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Everything posted by cenutrio351

  1. Thanks!, I didnt know that.
  2. BB getting stuck in memory aswell for me. Launchbox 13.20 and default theme. Thanks!.
  3. Thanks!
  4. Any ideas, please? Thanks!
  5. Ok, here is the video. bigbox.mp4
  6. Hello, thanks for answering! This issue is happening quite often, in Bigbox, in any platform when I add a game like favourite or mark like broken and back to the wheel of plattform. Im using default theme, and windows 11. Im not try to change a different view in bigbox but Ill try when I get home and when I can, I recording a video and post here. Thanks!.
  7. Anything that I can to with this issue?, any tips or things that I can change or delete or show to you to fix please?. Many thanks!.
  8. Yes sure, sorry.
  9. Now, apperas this crash text, but only in Big Box, could you tell me where is coming from?.
  10. Yes, was that, thank you so much
  11. No puedo actualizar a 13.19, por favor ayuda.
  12. Its beautiful, enjoy!!
  13. Hello!. I cant help with your question but, with your persmission, did you build this control pad?, its amazing, I want one, lol. Thanks!.
  14. I have the same problem or similar, how do you fix it?. Thanks!.
  15. Ok, I need to edit the problem because the issue is in every platform, not only in arcade.Im using now the rest and when I mark any game like not working ( not every time) but appears this crush text and I dont know now what to do. Can please any staff of Launchox look the picture that I send and offer me any idea of whats happening or where can I check to fix this problem?. Thanks!.
  16. Ok, so I deleted the arcade platform and added again yestarday and the problem persist.Maybe the issue is also in other platforms, but arcade is the most that I using now and its very difficult for me to find the problem because its ramdom and its not happening all the time when I add game to favourites or mark like broken, but yes very often. Maybe is another xml. that its corrupt, maybe settings?, I dont know where more to look or fix the problem, anyone from Launchbox staff can help me, please?. Many thanks!.
  17. Yes, I though to do that.In fact, I deleted arcade platform and the new one I change the name to mame, I though that was fix doing this, because this problem is ramdom, its not happen all the time, but yesterday is happen again.The only reason I dont delete both is that mame have many games, and when I added then I waste a lot of time deleting all the games that I dont play and I dont want to do that and see that after that the problem persist. If I could know that any xml. has corrupted or I can edit to fix it we wonderful, because this issue is ramdom, its not happen all the times, I dont know, Im embarrased. Thanks for your answer, anyway.
  18. Please, anyone can help me?, any tip, any solution?, Im desperate Thanks!.
  19. Hello! Recently I upload new version of mame games.First of all I create a new platform with other name and keep the old one, but I think is better to have only one, and I delete the old one and keep the new one with the same name: arcade. Now when I add a game to favourite or mark a game like broken, appears this crash text, this is only happening in Bigbox, please help. I can continue playing if I ignored, but if I continue marks games in that categories are not saved for the next time when Im enter Bigbox. Im using Launchobx version 13.18 and default theme.Thanks.
  20. Perfect, thank you so much!
  21. Hello!, sorry How can I copy the audit feature result to openoffice or excell?. Thanks!.
  22. Thank you very much for this, its working perfect.Thanks!.
  23. Hello! Big box I mean.Yes, thanks I now that, I change the name and the theme for me is beautiful, only want to add this little things.I have these fields cheked in my options, its appears in other themes, but not in the default. I can not find the xml to change and I already read the documentation, maybe its not possible or maybe Im very, very bad in computers, lol. Thanks to any thelp.
  24. Hello! Im only want to add custom fields and region (language available in the games) to default big box theme.Im trying, but dont now how to do it, please help. Thanks!.
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