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Nice, updated one more bug I found in script if you end up using. I think if you restart your powershell console it won't ask for the check after every run now that you set your execution policy. Or try PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\script.ps1 but glad you have both working. Nice work also @JoeViking245 for not having any PS3 ISO to test with!
You downloaded the script from link right? It maybe windowsPowershell issues, but open powershell and run script from the prompt like C:\path\myscript.ps1 or path into location of script and do .\script.ps1 Oh and maybe your execution policy. run this as well: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -force
Here is a Powershell that should work. Change the first 4 variables paths to suit your needs....$PS3DEC,$ISOroot,$ISOdecrypt,$dkeys. Then save to .ps1 file and run. #path to ps3dec.exe $PS3DEC = 'C:\path\ps3dec.exe' #root folder where you keep encrypted iso $ISOroot = 'C:\MYisos' #root folder where decrypted ISO will be stored. $ISOdecrypt = 'C:\decrypted' #root folder you keep all dkeys files $dKeys = 'C:\keys' $ISOall = Get-ChildItem $ISOroot $report = foreach ($iso in $ISOall) { Clear-Variable key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Key = Get-ChildItem $dKeys | Where-Object -Property name -Like "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($iso.fullname))*" if ($null -ne $key){ $KeyValue = Get-Content $key.FullName $DecryptISO = $ISOdecrypt + "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($iso.fullname))" + '_DEC.iso' & $PS3DEC d key $KeyValue $($iso.fullname) $DecryptISO [PSCustomObject]@{ OrginalISO = $iso.name Decrypted = $DecryptISO Status = 'Completed' } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ OrginalISO = $iso.name Decrypted = '' Status = 'No Key found' } } } $report
I don't remember why I didn't do this last time it was requested, maybe I was just being lazy or burnt out not sure but I think I worked this out now. I will clean up and write up better instructions this weekend....probably. https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox Use the RPCS3-Decrypt-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 and let me know how it works out for you. Put script in same folder as RPCS3.exe (or change script path) make folder in same place called ps3dec and add ps3dec.exe and vcomp100.dll to this folder (or change script path) make another folder in root with rpcs3.exe and name it dkeys and add all keys into this folder (or change script path) setup as per normal instructions for launchbox this version only works for encrypted games. ISO name must not be changed or must be same name as key or this will not work. As long as name and key are same should decrypt and run game.
A PS3 disc is read only, JB format may be R\W but RPCS3 is not modifying any files just like a real PS3 with a disc would behave. I have used this method with any compatible game, one I recall that is small and good to test with 3D Dot Game Heroes. The problem appears to be on your side. Have you read? https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox
Not really sure why you have issues. I would have said to try and extend the ISO mounting time out but you said you commented out and still have the problem. The only other thing I would try is to right click ISO in windows and mount. Then manually use it with RPCS3 and see if that works. Should be same as JB format. This script just does that, mounts the ISO as a drive letter, runs the eboot file, unmounts drive once RPCS3 is done. Try also chaing the timeout to 3 or more seconds. Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
I use PS3_ISO_TOOLS V2.2.exe to build my ISO. Not sure if ImgBurn will work or not. As far as HDD game is corrupted, not really sure. Check the RPCS3 site for game compatibility. Also test you JB format game before ISO conversion and see if same error. My tool literally just mounts the ISO so it doesn't have to be extracted out each time to play. Any errors will be on your side and with RPCS3 most likely.
Here is the updated script and instructions. Let me know if any issues and I can try to fix. Attached file but may become outdated so check github link. https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox The script. https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox/blob/master/RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1
@FoxyMonty What are you using to decrypt your ISO? ps3dec or 3k3y or something else? Why not decrypt them and be done instead of having to decrypt every time you want to play and have that extra copy stored as well, just curious. Looks like LaunchBox supports running powershell now so I have updated my script for launching ISO, will post tomorrow or this weekend.