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  1. Interesting solution! This is a Steam/RA issue, not a LB one. Albeit, I thought Launchbox being handy as it is would be able to circumvent it. I'll try it asap!!! Thank you for the suggestion, @skizzosjt!
  2. Hello! Is there a command suffix or some way for Launchbox to somehow boot Retroarch as if it were being launched via Steam? Currently I'm facing 2 issues because of this. Firstly, steam input is overlapping my Dualsense config and making it work only when RA is launched throught it (I'm trying to fix this regardless of LB, but anyway..). Also, when RA is launched autonomously the Steam Overlay doesn't work, nor its features such as taking screenshots. Thank you all! And please excuse me if this was posted on the wrong subforum.
    Absolutely fantastic. Considering the collaborative principle of the launchboxdb, it's not uncommon for newly released games to lack general media. This solves the problem 100%. Thank you dev team!
  3. Yeah, it's definitely not coming from the Launchbox Game DB.... And a whole bunch of 'em are popping, tagged simply as "Box Front". I guess I'll uncheck the emumovies metadata download for a while and see
  4. Every now and then when I update my metadata and media these disc-box-case-y images keep poppin and replacing the proper nicer box-front ones Can somene help me identify where is this kind of boxy cover art is coming from so I can turn it off when updating? Thank you! Oh, also I'm sorry if this isn't the proper subforum. In such case, let me know which is the proper and I'll repost there.
  5. Thank you for the suggestion, @Lordmonkus. I'm already using the Lambda Beta 1.1. But there's just so much a community theme can do. Concerning the rough edges, I'm pretty sure the devs can pinpoint nice doable upgrades for the interface. But boot up modern launchers and you'll understand what I'm talking about, one of aforementioned, or even Steam or RetroArch itself... It may sound petty to care about glow/parallax effects on selected boxes/cartridges, or smooth scrolling, or icons in list mode or whatever, but I believe for many people the "game browsing experience" is pretty much most of the, if not the only, point of using a launcher as LB... Thus the overwhelming success of BigBox - which I particularly believe to be borderline perfect, and a masterpiece by the dev team.
  6. I absolutely agree, man. I'm not a native English speaker so maybe I sounded a bit harsher than I intended. The thing is, launchbox already does everything those other two do way better, it just lacks the eye candy and is a bit more rough around the edges. After all, as you said, it has way more assets and whatnot... But... so does Playnite. And the whole point of a launcher is not needing another launcher, that's why I refuse to use anything other than LB. I'm not looking to compare them, since as I said you can't even dare to do so. And maybe talking about a COMPLETE OVERHAUL was indeed uncalled for. What I meant is just that the GUI update is a nice idea, and I'm glad it made it into the community poll. We could use smooth scrolling, highlighting boxes, little icons in list mode and whatnot in the default theme.
  7. Launchbox is REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY starting to show its age... Especially when compared to GOG Galaxy and Playnite. We need a complete GUI overhaul A.S.A.P., It's good to see it's appearing on the poll. A while ago I installed the aforementioned two, just to see what they were like.. And man, going back to Launchbox felt like going back from Windows Vista to Windows XP: You know XP is absolutely better than Vista in every way, but boy does it feels crude. Just bought another license as my way of showing support and loyalty. We trust ya, Jason & team ❤️
  8. Hello guys! How are we concerning importing Microsoft Store games and apps to launchbox? Is manually adding and running the shortcut from shell:AppsFolder the only option as of now? thanks
  9. tbh it can take a little long to load... i'm using SSD, but with over 2000+ games on my library it takes its sweet time to load... minimize to system tray is still a must
  10. Hello guys! I would like to boot another program alongside with launchbox, everytime I start It. Is there a way to do so? I'm completely unacquainted concerning how to use the scripts and whatnot.
  11. Please add this as a premium option!
  12. Metal Gear Sound Pack View File Two sound packs based on MGS sfx. First one is the main version, loyal to menu sound effects. Second one is the nostalgia variant. Submitter annluan Submitted 01/30/2018 Category Big Box Sound Packs  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Two sound packs based on MGS sfx. First one is the main version, loyal to menu sound effects. Second one is the nostalgia variant.
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