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Posts posted by ZeSystem

  1. This has been happening for awhile so I don't know when it started, but sometimes when I add multiple games, media of some random games of the batch are not downloaded at all. It was tested under a condition where I would ping the download server in the background and dropped no connection issues.

    I'd have to select all the games that were added, and then download them again for it to work.

  2. Not sure what I did, but upon pressing "Scanned for Added ROMS" (I think it was All Platforms) just crashed LaunchBox:

    The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 8.8-beta-8
    Type:    System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException
    Site:    TValue get_Item(TKey)
    Source:  mscorlib
       at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
       at (ScanForAddedRomsForPlatformMenuAction , Object )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.MenuActions.ScanForAddedRomsForPlatformMenuAction.<OnSelect>b__2_0(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
       at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()

    I have not added any new platforms.

    Restarting after the crash did not result the same error.

  3. Just now, keltoigael said:

    No one is silencing anyone's voice. I think it is time to put on some adult glasses and realize if a post is deleted it is because it violates any given rule you agreed to when you signed up to use the forums. We will not tolerate any ads directly linking to illegal methods of selling roms or any other form for that matter. Stop believing everything you hear on the internet. We have seen a huge influx of trolls and flat out lies as of late trying to swing the public against LB mod team for w/e reason. We have had a few individuals leave the forums butt hurt because they broken the rules and was banned because of it. The End.

    See, I'm already ganged up by two other moderators when their involvement was not necessary at all. It's so hard to point out a problem in this forum where the moderators hold the power and just oppose everything.
    Who said anything about reading something on internet? What is this ROM sharing about? What trolls? Slicing anyone's voice, what? I never said anything about it. I have not read anything about LB mod team or LB outside this forum. I don't know what part of community you're in, but this is the first time hearing about LB mod drama, but perhaps not all of them are "lies" because I do agree if they said anything about what I said earlier on the LB forum moderators.

    You also must misunderstood what I said. When a moderator misreads my suggestion, and marks himself as one of the "them" (users who do not use game details view, in this case) it's easy for others to look at that, and misunderstand my suggestion completely, which can derail it, or eventually cause it to just get buried because my original suggestion is all the way back.

    Now I'm going to get pointed at for "going off-topic", but how can I not retaliate on stuff like this? This is one of the many things I wanted to talk about regarding LB moderators. Thanks for proving my point.

  4. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    I get you. I just think overall we all need to just give people the benefit of the doubt, for heaven's sake. There's a big difference between malicious activity and an honest mistake.

    Yeah, it's hard to get your voice heard when a moderator with a standing out red font start misreading it. This could give anyone a wrong impression of what I suggested and derail it or get pushed back by new threads.
    Plus, I just read the previous post he made that he misread. It's all good.

    33 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Beta 6 is out now with a workaround/fix for a dreadful Windows Explorer bug in the upcoming Windows 10 October release. It was happening when clicking the Add Files button in the Import Games from Files wizard, and Windows Explorer just basically dies. Sometimes you even have to restart the machine.

    Back to the topic. Is there any post online regarding this issue? I'd like to discuss this with members of other Windows-10 focused communities and get some light on it.

  5. Just now, Jason Carr said:

    Yes, I know exactly what you're saying. The issue isn't that the transition couldn't be made smoothly, but rather that the current codebase hitches if you forcefully skip transitions that are currently in process. Of course this could be fixed/improved, as always, but it's not an easy thing to fix. So this is just one of those "would be nice to have" things that will probably be on the backburner for a while, because there's just a lot more important stuff to tackle and improve, and the immense effort required isn't currently worth the end result.

    Well that was kind of rude...honestly, I understand where he was coming from. It wasn't an easy concept to grasp.

    If the current codebase can't handle it, that's fine too. We got more important stuff to worry about. I was suggesting it in case that's possible. If any other features in the future eventually tackle on the issue, I hope you can add that change some day.

    Regarding that "rude" response. He was the one who dismissed my problem by "misreading" my short paragraph, as a moderator, for that matter. Do you not consider that as rude?
    Well, regardless I apologize if I came across being rude, but it just really seems the moderators tend to always dismiss problems or suggestions the users have because they don't agree with it or have no problems with it. I've been meaning to say this for awhile now and it got me really frustrated. To top that, he didn't even read it properly and just basically said "no" in a polite way. I'll end it here because it's not a place to talk about it, but I really wanted to voice my concern briefly before it's too late.


  6. 8 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    This is currently done on purpose to keep the experience smooth, rather than create a jarring jump in frames. I think if you turn transitions off it would be a non-issue. But the point of transitions of course is to smooth out the experience.

    I understand, but hear me out. If you select a game before the game media transitions, though, the opening of the menu (i.e. another page) already has its own transition effect so it look smooth regardless.

    I'm talking about the transition of the game media videos and images moving (or fading depending on what the user selected). It just seems less snappy and unnecessary to play the animations when we're going to be seeing on the next page again, which already has its own transition.

    Currently, [Input: Move up and select immediately]
    On Game 1. Moving to "Game 2", BigBox plays transition effect of game media from Game 1 to Game 2, waits for that to end plays another transition effect of the menu (a new page) -> displays Game 2 info and media.

    Proposed, [With same input]
    On Game 1. Moving to "Game 2", BigBox plays transition effect of game media from Game 1 to Game 2 (to make it look smooth, if you wish), but does not wait for it to end and immediately plays another transition effect of the menu (a new page) -> displays Game 2 info and media.


    13 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Not everyone uses the game details view though, i dont. So i would want that loading there always.

    No offense, but you're a moderator. Did you even read what I wrote?

  7. Hmmm, it could be placebo, but I also do feel like it is more responsive. I just quite can't put my finger on where, though.

    Hey Jason, when you scroll to another game and select them, BigBox waits for the transitions of game videos and images to begin and end before it opens up that game menu. Would it be possible to just go straight to the menu? I mean, the media that is being animated already will be in the game menu page anyway. It might have been an oversight? This could help make the experience feel more responsive.

  8. I got an error when I clicked on "Add" when I was trying to add a platform.


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 8.8-beta-3
    Type:    System.NullReferenceException
    Site:    Void (Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.AddEditPlatformForm)
    Source:  LaunchBox
       at (AddEditPlatformForm )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.AddEditPlatformForm.LoadValues()
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.AddEditPlatformForm..ctor(Platform platform)
       at (ManagePlatformsForm , Object , EventArgs )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.ManagePlatformsForm.addButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
       at (CustomButton , MouseEventArgs )
       at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.FormsControls.CustomButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    Recent Log:
       1:11:42 AM Music.Prepare Start
       1:11:42 AM Music.Kill Start
       1:11:42 AM Music.Kill Finished
       1:11:42 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       1:11:42 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       1:12:40 AM Music.Prepare Start
       1:12:40 AM Music.Kill Start
       1:12:40 AM Music.Kill Finished
       1:12:40 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       1:12:40 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       1:13:07 AM Exception


  9. 4 hours ago, Zombeaver said:

    What happens if you drag the files that you want to import into the LB UI and start the wizard?

    That selects the correct emulator. I think this is a bug in LaunchBox. It looks like "Scan for Added ROMs" ignores the default emulator setting?

  10. I have Retroarch selected for PS1, and Higan for SNES as default emulators for each platform.

    For some reason, every time I scan and add new roms for SNES, it sets to Retroarch (I never used Retroarch for SNES).

    When I scan new roms for PS1, it keeps setting "Mednafen", an old emulator I used to use, instead of Retroarch.

    I have PS1 deselected in the emulator settings as default emulator.


    Is there any way to fix this?

  11. 56 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Beta 4 is out now with separate options for showing playlists in the list of platforms and/or underneath a platform category:

    image.thumb.png.565729436da22e27cce20ffb77a77ef8.pngThis way, we can please both folks who want it the old way with them listed under platforms as well as folks who only want them listed under the Arcade platform category. I think the latter makes the most sense, because the genre playlists are Arcade-specific. Of course, you can set up your playlists however you like. If you delete and recreate your playlists though, they will now be configured to only show up under the Arcade platform category and not in the general platforms list.

    I still plan to release 8.7 official in the next few days, assuming the issues are confirmed to be solved and nothing new comes up.

    This explains why they were gone. Thanks for bringing it back. I was too busy to investigate on it and was planning to reporting it soon, thinking it was a bug.

    This is necessary for me because some games are spread across multiple platforms due to superior versions being available on a different platform. I have a Arcade Fighting Game platform category for easy access in Big Box and this only includes 2D fighting games. King of Fighters '98 UM (the best version), for example, is only available on Steam so it does not show up under Arcade.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    There is no way. Just kidding, but I really have no idea what that means or what your collection actually looks like. Regardless though, if you can't update the metadata, then the playlists and most of the new features are not going to work.

    Well for images, I think unchecking the media files would do the trick, but my collection has modified titles (still has Launchbox database ID linked though) and some game's genre has changed (from simply "Shooter" to "Vertical Scrolling Shooter", for example). I also added some useful information on the notes for some games.

    Is there any way to keep all that and just update the meta data? It would be a shame to not be able to use new feature.

  13. 5 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    For users that have not yet used the new full-set MAME arcade importer, it is definitely recommended to delete your Arcade platform and playlists and start over, because you'll get a whole ton of new features (such as additional apps with the clones and much better filtering/prioritizations). However, if you don't want to start over, you can run the Download Metadata and Media wizard and tell it to overwrite all metadata (uncheck all media so that you don't re-download anything). This will update your MAME games to use the much improved MAME metadata, and allow the new playlists to work properly. The new playlists won't work very well at all if you continue to use the previous metadata. Finally, you can create all the new playlists and update the old ones by going to Tools > Create Missing MAME/Arcade Playlists. :)

    I have hundreds of MAME games with customized genres (that better explain the game), replaced/removed/added customized new clear logos, etc.

    How do I keep them and update to the new meta list? Please don't tell me there is no way...

  14. 3 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    - The main menu and the right-click menu in LaunchBox are now being cached on startup, because I've noticed that sometimes the menus take way too long to load the first time you click on them. Caching them on startup seems to have done the trick, and it shouldn't affect startup time since I'm doing it in a separate thread.

    Thank you!!! These are things that I think that it wouldn't get improved and viola, it's there in LaunchBox out of nowhere!

    Since the new overhaul is done, I'm more exciting to see what improvements are coming (outside of the poll) to the BigBox!

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  15. WE12J2C.png


    It's the Favorites and Recent list that appears in the platform view.


    This is the code:

                        <!-- Recent Games Start -->
                        <Border BorderBrush="#20FFFFFF" Grid.Row="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" BorderThickness="2,2,2,2" RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Aliased">
                            <Grid Background="#8027272c">
                                <transitions:TransitionPresenter TransitionSelector="{Binding TopBoxesTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding TopBoxesView}">
                                        <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="8" Direction="220" Opacity="0.75"/>
                        <Border BorderBrush="#20FFFFFF" Grid.Row="5" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" BorderThickness="2,2,2,2" RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Aliased">
                            <Grid Background="#8027272c">
                                <transitions:TransitionPresenter Grid.Row="5" TransitionSelector="{Binding BottomBoxesTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding BottomBoxesView}">
                                        <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="8" Direction="220" Opacity="0.75"/>

    I'm looking for TopBoxesView and BottomBoxesView.

    Clear logos looks horrendous like in the screenshot so I'd like to fix that. Which file should look into?

  16. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:


    I may come back to this at a later date, but as for right now, I have more important things to worry about than the file count on the beta releases.

    Sigh, alright. It's a shame to see you couldn't be flexible about this.

    I appreciate the quick responses. Hopefully, the forced logging can help you tracking down some nasty bugs. Looking forward to the upcoming official release.

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