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Everything posted by ArturoGurrola

  1. What is the use of this feature exactly? How do you take advantage of it? I have some idea but would like to hear from other people.
  2. That worked well. Thank you @faeran.
  3. My idea is to create a (sub-)Platform inside a Platform. This I would use, for example, to separate the Super Famicom games from SNES games, and the SNES Hacks, and other "subcategory" of SNES (separate, but still together, nested). Maybe I can explain it like this: > Consoles > SNES > Japan > Hacks > MSU So in the SNES Platform we have only the "normal" (US released) SNES games. Then in the 'Japan' sub-platform are the Japan-only releases. Then in 'Hacks' sub-platform are all the SNES hacks. Then in 'MSU' sub-platform are all the enhanced SNES games. Etc. I have tried this two ways, but didn't work: 1. Playlists. If I add a game into a Playlist, and that Playlist into a Platform, the game stays in the Platform too. I don't want a Japan-only game to appear in the main Platform, I want it to appear only in the 'Japan' sub-platform. 2. Categories. I could create a Category "SNES" and sub-categories "Japan", but I can't add games into a Category (at least I tried and it didn't work). Are there any solutions for this in LaunchBox?
  4. I recently added a bunch of ScummVM games to my collection. Since I like to use RetroArch for everything I can, I created a small script to help me on this task. (I first used EpicFail's tool but I didn't like the result). You can get the script here: https://github.com/ManuelGurrola/LB_scummvm/ Instructions are in the GitHub's README.md.
  5. Hello, I have too big of a collection of Roms now, that I would like to start trimming it. It was easy to do for MAME/Arcade with the All Killer No Filler list in these forums. Now I'm wondering if there are similar lists for other platforms. Sort of like a "consensus" of good games among the Retro Gaming community (forums/reddit/sites). (I don't necessary mean scripts to trim the Romsets, just plain lists would do). Thanks.
  6. Very cool. Download link?
  7. I believe this is the most exhaustive Platform Theme Videos list ever! It even has Quiz Machines and Light-gun Games categories! I wish someone would make an equally exhaustive list of Cinematic style videos.
  8. Hello, I want to use the Arcade BigBox Cinematix video for my MAME platform. I don't think I can do this through the automatic download in LaunchBox. Is there a place to download the BixBox Cinematix videos individually? I would like to download it and rename it. Thanks.
  9. Hello, I have created a Custom field for my games. It's a simple Yes/No thing. When I order by this custom field the games with "No" appear first. How can I make the "Yes" ones appear first? Thank you.
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