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Indeep's Achievements

8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. thanks for the information.
  2. It works for me without problems.
  3. Thanks, I didn't read it.
  4. Thanks, the retroachievements page already fixed their API. I hope they integrate it again in the next updates.
  5. The best theme of LaunchBox. ThX!!!
  6. Yeah! Work again!!!
  7. Okay, thanks. So we wait for them to fix it.
  8. Hello, is the problem already solved? It suddenly stopped working for me.
  9. I understand ... looking at my virtual memory, I have seen that part of the process is stored in Virtual Memory (VM). I guess this will cause the program to slow down a bit.
  10. Chrome is an exaggerated devourer of RAM memory, especially if you use chrome extensions ...
  11. Ok, now I understand why It charge RAM. Thank you!
  12. thx!!!
  13. Hi, is it normal for my Launchbox to consume so much memory every time I run it? It consumes a lot of RAM always in idle mode. THX!!!
  14. true .. fixed in 8.5. Thank you!
  15. Hello Friends, I've noticed that since version 8.4, when I play with any emulated game and I stop playing, the game's execution date no longer updates. And that is the reason I have returned to version 8.3. It also occurs in beta versions. THX!
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