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Hi, (Sorry for my bad english) first of all, I really like this software and his dev there aren't many developers who cares so much about their projects. So, keep up the great work Jason :). But I really wish there were more Premium features without the Big Box integration stuff. I'm personally not using Big Box and don't really care about it and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this case. But that doesn't mean that I'm against it of course, actually it's a really great feature and I like it. My suggestions are for the normal mode of LaunchBox. First, I deeply like the "Custom Filter" feature and it would be great to get it more advanced. As example, Sub - Filters which you can put under normal Filters you've created before. This would make the whole filter system more dynamic. Also, it would be nice to have an option to remove or at least hide the "All" filter in which you can find all the created stuff from you. Why? because Launch Box isn't any more for games only It's a super duper hyper mega thing that works for almost everything!. I'm using Launch Box for several things like as books library, Music Library, Pictures Library etc. My Suggestions in short: 1. Feature for creating Sub Filters under Custom Filters. 2. An Option to hide the "All" Filter on the top. 3. Option to rename "CUSTOM FILTERS" to something else like, My Collection. (Isn't really necessary but why not) 4. An Option to create Filter Title / Category's like the "CUSTOM FILTERS" text on the top to have a better overview. As example, My Games, My Books, My other stuff... Thanks for reading, regards~
I on the other hand really like the BigBox mode and so does my daughter as do lots of other people, but saying that i use LaunchBox primarily for setting up functions so BigBox works in the intelligent and wonderful fashion that it does and rely on and respect the judgement of its creator who has brought them both up to and beyond the level that any other frontend can offer thus far, and as always eagerly await his wonderful thought process bringing both LaunchBox and BigBox forward and looking forward to all the new and wonderful features he adds to both.
Hi @ayuno, thanks for the feedback. I can see sub-filters being beneficial, but probably can't boost it too high up on the priority list for the moment, as unfortunately I don't expect that to be a common request. Still, I'll make sure it gets on the list. :) Per #2, the All filter can already be hidden in Options. Long term I do expect to add proper support for other types of media, so hopefully that will also help to streamline this stuff.

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