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I am having trouble using AHK to remap a key combination to the ESC key so I can exit a MAME game. I'm hoping on of you experts can help. I have looked at the AHK documentation and the Launchbox docs. I have also contacted Jason through the bug reporting system, but he suggested that the forums may be better able to answer my question. Autohotkey script added to emulator : 4 & 2:: send, {ESC} return I have tried every variation of Escape key I can find in the autohotkey documentation, but I cannot remap these two keys to the escape keys. I have tested the script using a msgbox command and it works just fine (for example 4 & 2:: msgbox you pressed the 4 and 2 buttons return). I just can't get the escape key mapped to exit out of the game. I am using an X-arcade controller, but it is only sending keyboard commands (I am not using the custom Xarcade cfg) To be clear, if I hit the Esc key on the keboard it works just fine, but I want to control launchbox with only the Xarcade stick. I have also attempted to may the mouse using lbutton & Rbutton and that also does not work. launchbox 5.7 windows 10 BTW, Launchbox rocks. I just started yesterday and love the way it organized my small MAME test set. As soon as I get this issue solved I will go for the full import.. thanks, Jeff
X-arcade controller,,,, i think you need to use.. joy1:: send, {ESC} return what im getting at is the joy"" comand this is what works for my arcade.... to test ,, just make AHK,,, with like Joy1::send a run it ,,open notepad and see witch button on your x arcade make an "a" great way to map all your keys to find out witch joy"" they are. ps not sure on doing the key combo..though just havent needed it ,,i youse right mouse click.. off my usb track ball.... RButton :: send {esc} Peace....
  • 1 year later...

Hey all... I'm looking to do the same thing... I want to be able to launch a game in big box and then quit the game with my xarcade through a button combination... perhaps LB and 1P Start together.  I'm a little green... are there step by step instructions on how to do this anywhere?


I use this script to make the XBox controller guide button close MAME (or anything)

  Send, !{F4}

You could use than and/or simply use the below for the Escape key

  Send, !{F4}


  • 2 years later...
On 5/25/2017 at 1:03 AM, martinconroy said:

I use this script to make the XBox controller guide button close MAME (or anything)

  Send, !{F4}

You could use than and/or simply use the below for the Escape key

  Send, !{F4}


Where do you put this code in launchbox?  And, can you map a controller button (select on xbox360 wired) to make it press ESC after say 1,000 ms of being held down?  so you have to hold it down first for a little bit (not as many accidental escapes).

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