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Which is the best solution to be able to exit out of PCSX2 back into LB/BB. I have tried the PCSX2 tool in the feature forum and never got it to work. Would using rocket launcher just for PCSX2 be a good option? It is currently the only system I have issues with as far is being able to back out of and I prefer to use LB/BB launch method for all my systems. Anyways, discuss. This was posted in the wrong forum, if possible please move over to the correct.
I use the standard controller automation with no problems(broke on the latest beta I think but hope its fixed on the next) also make shure you have -nogui as a command
I don't remember if the -nogui option makes a difference, but if you are on the last beta it does look like we may have a Controller Automation bug. So if you aren't using that, and are on LB 6.3 (not beta), you can give this a try.
orac31 said I use the standard controller automation with no problems(broke on the latest beta I think but hope its fixed on the next) also make shure you have -nogui as a command
is it pcsx2.exe --nogui in the default command line?
I must have something not set up right. I can exit the emulator with the escape key but the controller automation with hold button and exit button is not working and only on PCSX2, I havent upgraded to the latest beta yet. Any other ideas? --nogui does work in hiding the pcsx2 window but I still cant exit with the controller.
SentaiBrad said I just tested this and it's working fine for me. Did you set up the controller in either BigBox or LaunchBox, then select the device?
Yes. Everything as far as I know is set up right. All 26 of my other systems have no issue granted majority are running through Retroarch but PPSSPP, Dolphin, Kat5200, Demul, Desume and nullDC all work with no issues. I am using a wireless x360 pad with hold set to button 7 (select) and close window set to button 8 (start). Could you maybe post screens of your settings for PCSX2 in manage emulators? I bet it is one small thing that is causing it not to work that I have missed. Latest version of PCSX2. This is really making me feel like a dunce.
SentaiBrad said I don't have any special settings for PCSX2. It's all left at default.
I just removed the emulator from Launchbox and re-added with default settings, it still wont exit via controller.
Yeah same settings here. :/ I am really just about to give up or delete the whole PS2 entry. I have everything set up right out of the box so I really dont understand why it isnt working. No issue with any other emulators with the same controller settings.
I did notice I had to press my button combo a few times, like 3 or 4, and they were quick (I was being impatient), and it worked? That's literally the only other thing I can think of that could be different. X_X
I don't no if this makes a difference or if its used anymore but do you have this in the emulator autohotkey tab ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
orac31 said I don't no if this makes a difference or if its used anymore but do you have this in the emulator autohotkey tab ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
When I re-added the emulator back to default settings it added this back into the autohotkey tab, didnt seem to make a difference.
SentaiBrad said I did notice I had to press my button combo a few times, like 3 or 4, and they were quick (I was being impatient), and it worked? That's literally the only other thing I can think of that could be different. X_X
I just tried spamming both keys over a minute to no avail, arghhhh.
I am going to setup LB on a test computer and see if it works in a different environment. If it does my question would be how to I do a complete fresh install while retaining my system game list and meta data?
Damn it. It is working completely fine on a different computer, same specs and OS. I fear I am going to have to completely reinstall Launchbox and loose all my metadata and tons of work.
Try making a new LB install in a different folder and then copy your old xml to it and see if that changes anything before you just scrap it and start over. Also there are methods of preserving all of your metadata and images when starting back over. You may have to add all the games again sure but it won't need to download any of the media again as it will already be there saving you a ton of wait time during setup.
DOS76 said Try making a new LB install in a different folder and then copy your old xml to it and see if that changes anything before you just scrap it and start over. Also there are methods of preserving all of your metadata and images when starting back over. You may have to add all the games again sure but it won't need to download any of the media again as it will already be there saving you a ton of wait time during setup.
Yeah. I am comparing the Launchbox.xml from my full install with the new one and I am thinking I can delete out the settings sections to default everything back on the full install. Testing with the back up first.

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