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I've rejected quite a lot of "fanart" images that are only very vaguely related to the games they are added to (for example NASA earth pictures from orbit for RPGs, or jungle pictures from known photographer for a action game), and I was wondering if it would be possible to add a sentence or two to make uploader aware that it's very unwise to just add pictures without regard of who owns the copyright. I f the picture is clearly the work of a fan, and made in response to game, it's totally fine to add it. But if people are not careful, this can very quickly become a big mess. Maybe even financially.
TheTabman said I've rejected quite a lot of "fanart" images that are only very vaguely related to the games they are added to (for example NASA earth pictures from orbit for RPGs, or jungle pictures from known photographer for a action game), and I was wondering if it would be possible to add a sentence or two to make uploader aware that it's very unwise to just add pictures without regard of who owns the copyright. I f the picture is clearly the work of a fan, and made in response to game, it's totally fine to add it. But if people are not careful, this can very quickly become a big mess. Maybe even financially.
If the image you rejected is a partial blue earth sphere it matchs very good with the cover theme of illusion of gaia. The most images you find related are all copyrighted. including covers, artbooks, etc. If the copyright may be the issue, we can stop right now uploading anything. And yes i'm a little angry about some fanart uploaded by me related with games when is near imposible to find any art and rejected. Movie games or sport games usually don't have any art besides the sport star that promotes the game or the film. What do you prefer? Doing this or keep the fanart empty? Don't you think that a earth sphere don't match with sim Earth game?
There's a fine line that we need to ride unfortunately. I understand the anger about contributing but Fan Art is also a bit self explanatory. Art created by a fan based on something, and a general blue sphere, or a picture from a basketball game aren't that, no matter how much they may resemble the game. Now if someone adapted those two things and created actual fan art with them, then sure. Them by them selves is not however, there needs to be a level of action taken by us to at least try. If a game ends up not having fan art, then it ends up not having fan art. There are also a lot of ways someone can contribute to the Database or otherwise.
And yes i'm a little angry about some fanart uploaded by me related with games when is near imposible to find any art and rejected.
This is of course only my opinion, but it's simply not "Fanart" if you just take an image and upload it 100% unaltered, no matter if it perfectly fits the theme of a game or not. And just slapping a clear logo from a game on it doesn't change anything. This is not Fanart. And yes, I personally would prefer no Fanart images rather than thematically fitting, but otherwise completely unrelated images. This is not a database of good looking wallpapers, but a database of games. And regarding copyright: It's easy for you to say that your contributions should be accepted if it's not your money that's on the line. Using pictures that are 1:1 lifted from the ESPN, Getty stock images, NY Times and other well known sources is playing with fire. All these sources regularly send cease and desist letters, sometimes including bills for their lawyers. Saying "but everybody else does it" is no excuse. I would strongly advice you to read this text about copyright before you upload you next picture so you can make a better decision if the picture is indeed "Fair Use".
We need the message system between mods to negotiation about some rejections. I still remember the refusal to delete an ilustration of juste belmont of symphony of the night because no one check he is another character of a diferent game. And if i remember i do not upload any picture without edition, cropping to widescreen resolutions, cleaning, colour management, etc. If the mods take a look i'm doing a really hard efford to improve database art, finding HQ pictures of ignote locations, artbooks, manuals etc. My objective is all snes games have an art attached, is hard to do withour some workarounds. Let's debate about how to achieve it.
Cropping and Color Correction isn't really Fan Art either, however those corrections can be made to Fan Art, but the act of making those changes doesn't make it Fan Art. No one is also saying you're not providing your free time, hard work and effort. Like I said in my first reply, I totally get how you are feeling and furthermore I appreciate you for helping. We still need to have Fan Art be Fan Art however. If that means some games don't have Fan Art, then that is fine. I don't expect sports games to have any nor do I except some more obscure Japanese games to have them either. Sadly, Fan Art is going to be made for what people like the most and we have to accept that. We can't force people to create what they want to create. If it exists then lets use it (also assuming the artists is ok with that), but the Guidelines are clear about no real photography.
SentaiBrad said Cropping and Color Correction isn't really Fan Art either, however those corrections can be made to Fan Art, but the act of making those changes doesn't make it Fan Art. No one is also saying you're not providing your free time, hard work and effort. Like I said in my first reply, I totally get how you are feeling and furthermore I appreciate you for helping. We still need to have Fan Art be Fan Art however. If that means some games don't have Fan Art, then that is fine. I don't expect sports games to have any nor do I except some more obscure Japanese games to have them either. Sadly, Fan Art is going to be made for what people like the most and we have to accept that. We can't force people to create what they want to create. If it exists then lets use it (also assuming the artists is ok with that), but the Guidelines are clear about no real photography.
We are adding movie art ofr movie related games and anime art for anime related games, what do your suggest for starring celebrities games, like the sports games, If a game is about michael jordan i expect some michael jordan photo, i agree with the point to not upload exacta photos but photo based or contextual. And for more amplitude i suggest to change the tag fanart to something general like Game Art, contextual art, etc. I understand that some sport photos are in hands of corporations very noisy but all the art is copyrighted, including movies, manuals, covers,etc. Edited fanart based on photo like deviantart mashups can do the trick no? Only for personalities based games. Like sport games.
I'd say I'd rather lean towards being more accepting with this stuff, though we do indeed need to be careful with copyrighted images, as that could land us in hot water. A picture of earth from space is probably a stretch, but obviously Michael Jordan for a Michael Jordan game is less so. I'd rather keep the name "fanart", as that's what it should indeed primarily be.

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