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Hey there

I recently started to use LaunchBox and - holy cow! - it took about all of three seconds to make this my new favorite frontend. It's a blast to use and it took the fraction of the time to import my games compared to all others I tried. 

I use fairly complex batch files to start everything. They check and start various things by checking the ROM-name (without extension) and so on. 
Now this is all well and good and basically works as intended by using %1. 

Now my question: I thought about cleaning up my batch files and use the awesome additional programs feature. Are there variables that I can use? Like %ROMNAME%, %ROMPATH%, or similar? 
Also, a
I tried to search for an answer in the forums but couldn't find anything. So I apologize if this question has been answered before. 

Another small questions: I like to use all input methods to control my frontend. And this works really great with LaunchBox! There is just one simple thing: Mousewheel. 
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can't use the mouse wheel in BigBox whenever I'm not using list view. Also, whenever there is horizontal scrolling, it would be great if I could use the wheel as well.
Is that possible? 

And finally (for the moment) something rather odd: How about the option to NOT show favorites in the recent list? As an option, of course!
Bear with me: Favorites have their own list in BigBox so they appear in platform view anyway. So my idea is to have a recent list which shows all other games. Yeah, I'm probably the only person on earth who wants this. :)

Anyway, thanks for this awesome frontend and I'm positively flabbergasted about the progress you're making!
Keep it up!

Edited by Pat

There is a setting in BigBox to enable mouse control. I've never enabled it but that may get your mouse wheel working but I can't promise anything


Oh, I'm sorry, I probably wasn't clear enough with my mousewheel explanation:
I did enable mouse control and that works. It's just the limited mousewheel support: I can use the wheel as long as I am in list view but as soon as I switch to wheel view or any kind of horizontally scrolling box view, the wheel doesn't work anymore. 

I know, it's no big deal. But I would love to scroll through my game boxes using the mousewheel. 

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