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Disable background music in specific games


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Greetings all! I am finally back into the emulator scene after being out of it for years! I stumbled on to bigbox in my research and I'm in retro heaven! A few of my games have glitched out background music that plays when the game is highlighted in bigbox or launchbox and it is loud and horrible! Is there a way to re-scrape just the music file or at least disable it on the few games with the bad music file. It really takes you out of the experience! I tried right clicking on the game and selecting edit but I didn't see any setting on the music file. Thank you so much for any guidance.

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8 hours ago, quirk_unlimited said:

Is there a way to re-scrape just the music file

Yep, select the games that you want to rescrape and then go to Tools -> Download metadata and then when you get to the point where there's a checkbox list of what you want it to search for, uncheck everything except for the music.

8 hours ago, quirk_unlimited said:

or at least disable it on the few games with the bad music file.

Probably not in the sense that you're thinking, but you can just delete the appropriate music files. Go to your LB directory -> Music -> [whatever platform you're looking for] and then find the ones with the names of the games that have bad music and just delete them.

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