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Changed system name but lost metadata about the system?

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Hiya, pretty much brand new to LB and I've just launched (no pun intended) into premium, hoorah!

However, I'm having a slight issue with renaming a system.

I'm from the UK so Sega CD is called Sega MegaCD here so I changed the name but lost all the metadata when you go to "edit platform".

I also want to change Sega Genesis to Sega Mega Drive.  What exactly should I be doing to achieve this?  I obviously also want all the images moved to the correct folder; can you just advise which folders I should be renaming?


Thank you :)


Basically if you already had the correct media for the MegaCD stuff in your Sega CD folder go into your LB folder and one by one go to images, manuals and videos find the Sega CD folder and rename it Sega MegaCD and you should be all good. For the Genesis Mega Drive switch it would entail the same process.

Posted (edited)

OK, thanks for that.

Any idea that when I change from Sega CD to MegaCD I lose the metadata about the machine, like CPU and launch date etc?


It seems to keep it when I change any other system.

Edited by Spec-Chum

Go to manage platforms under tools and select Mega CD look for where it says scrape as and put in Sega CD then go out highlight all your mega cd games and go up to tools select download metadata and images wizard during the wizard if you don't want to get any new images or anything like that then choose none on both the LB and EmuMovies download options page also choose the option not to replace anything already there that may get you new metadata for the system.


Ah, sorry no, that's not what I meant.

When you go to edit platform it shows details about the system itself, it's that that clears itself.  The games and images are fine, I was doing that bit right lol

Like here for example (not my image): Untitled.png

It makes all those fields go blank.


Yeah if you do what I suggested I think that it will fill in that info again for MegaDrive  as I believe that is the process where the info is populated from in the 1st place during the initial import.

1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

Yeah if you do what I suggested I think that it will fill in that info again for MegaDrive  as I believe that is the process where the info is populated from in the 1st place during the initial import.

Sadly not, if I change Genesis to MegaDrive I don't lose anything, change Sega CD to Sega MegaCD I lose the data as above.  'Tis weird.

1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

Yes it is strange did you try my suggestion it was only a theory that it would populate the platform metadata.

Yeah, I tried that last night, I thought it was me, but apparently not lol

No biggie...


Last question ( for now, sorry :P )

Is LB portable?  I originally installed it onto an SSD but with all the images and videos it's getting rather big.  Can I just cut and paste the whole folder to my mechanical drive?


Really it depends upon how you set it up if you used the recommended method and put your games into the LB file structure then you are good to go. If you kept you original file structure and didn't move your games during import than no it won't just be portable. This can easily be fixed using Notepad++ though you will just have to open ever platform xml that you have and bulk edit the paths to the game to have the new drive letter instead. If you need to do this I can explain in much more detail

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