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Hey! I'm trying to get an emulator (no$GBA) to press ctrl+r, for it to enable the noise supression on start - somehow it's not on by default, and it turns itself off whenever i exit the emulator.

I'm would also like to assign the escape key to alt+x, since the emulator in question actually crashes if i press the escape key.

What i have so far (keep in mind, I have just searched the web for this, I do not know how to write this script language properly..)

SendMode, Input

; Sleep (How long to wait in milliseconds between moves.)

SleepAmount = 1000

Sleep, %sleepamount%

Send {ctrl}r

Esc:: {Alt}x

When I run the emulator, none of this happens. I've tried using just one at a time, and many other variations on this.

Is there something I need to do within LaunchBox (or within windows) to activate autohotkey?
Is there anyone who knows this scripting language better than me? (Doesn't take much, I assure you!)


The easiest way to map a key or gamepad button to an emulator shortcut is:

; Warp mode On/Off
   Send !{q}

I use this to enable Warp mode (ALT+Q) in Hoxs64 (C64 emu)

The first line is a comment, so you can ignore it.

The second line tells AutoHotKey that i want to map button 15 on my fourth gamepad

Third line is the actual keypress sent: ALT and q

(NOTE: ! means ALT. See: https://autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm )

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