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Is there a log generated that can help me troubleshoot? When exiting out of a game MAME game, BigBox will sometimes stop responding. any help would be appreciated.




Are you using only a controller by any chance and it isn't responding if so it may have lost focus and then you will need a keyboard or mouse to help regain focus by clicking the screen. If you have a keyboard or mouse and it isn't responding to that either then just ignore my comment and hopefully someone else can assist you


Have you tried bumping the mouse around? This happens to me if a particular emulator or PC game steals focus away from BB, like DOS76 said above. When it happens, if I give the mouse a little nudge, that is enough make Big Box the active window again and controller input works as normal. If you aren't getting input at all after that, are you able to ALT+TAB to other windows? If you can, you could cycle back to Big Box and see if that helps. Or, when you say "stops responding", is Big Box actually crashing to desktop? I get crashes in BB, is why I ask.


It's not crashing just stop responding, so i need to ALT-Tab to close it. Hopefully I can figure this out before I get this cabinet put together and start using an Ipac :D

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