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NESiCAxLive Theme


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NESiCAxLive Theme

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This theme was requested by @Evilmaster and is designed to mirror the interface of the NESiCAxLive system Taito use in their TypeX2 mutli-game cabinets. This is my first attempt at creating a theme so please be kind. The theme has been built for 1920x1080 resolution and is likely to look wrong in other resolutions currently. I may update the theme for other resolutions if there is sufficient interest for me to do so,

The theme does include the ability to display publisher logos as well as game specific control layouts within the interface. The theme is also built around using steam-style banners - I have detailed the simplest way to set this up currently in Launchbox below as the wheel does not support steam banners as a games view currently without some tweaking of your library.

The Views

Platform Wheel 1 - Horizontal Banner View

587512d17d7c2_PlatformWheel1.thumb.png.a183e01ddc0120b8e30e8bef9f099998.pngPlatform Wheel 2 - Horizontal Logo View



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