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Sorry for the double post I originally posted this in the wrong Forum.

Hi all, I'm relatively new to batch files and I am trying to launch a Joytokey profile with Demul. I have managed to get Joytokey to launch and load a profile when I select a game but that's it, I can't get Demul to open and load a game. Here is my batch file:

set rom=%1
"H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe" "Demul Naomi.cfg"
"H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\demul.exe" %1
taskkill /F /im JoyToKey.exe

Please help! really need to get this going!


Hi Crush,

if place start before the Joytokey line I get a message that joytokey can not find my config file?

I am trying this at the min but demul will only launch when I exit Joytokey and even then it does not launch a game?

"H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe" "Demul Naomi.cfg"
"H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\demul.exe" set rom=%1
taskkill /F /im JoyToKey.exe


Your syntax must be like this:

start "" "D:\Emu\TOOLS\JoyToKey\Joytokey.exe" "D:\Emu\TOOLS\JoyToKey\Active Soccer 2 (NOX).cfg"

The "" after start can't be omited - they define the title of your batch window which in my case is empty



Excellent Crush! the joytokey profile launches with Demul now, Thanks for that! Now my only problem is that Demul launches in Naomi mode but it wont run the game directly. I keep getting the Naomi game select screen, where I have to chose a game to run. This is how the batch file looks now:

set rom=%1
start "" "H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe" "H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\JoyToKey_en\Demul Naomi.cfg"
"H:\GAMES\Emulation Software\Emulators\demul07a_180816 SEGA NAOMI\demul.exe" -run=naomi -rom=[ROM]
taskkill /F /im JoyToKey.exe


That is what I am trying to yes. The problem I was having is that controller automation option in Bigbox does not work in my setup. it constantly crashes Bigbox. So I'm trying to create a batch files to launch emulators so that I can exit emulators by holding down the back button on my Xbox one controller. I think, thanks to your help, I should be able to achieve this but its just a pain trying to get Demul running in Naomi mode.


Ok, using a batch file to launch Naomi I just could not get working but I found a work around. I was using Rocketlauncher for my Consoles and then separate emulators for arcade games, this was because I was having problems getting arcade emulators to work through rocketlauncher with launchbox as a frontend, Anyway I deleted Rocketlauncher and re-added it and the arcade emulators started working through it. I must of checked a box or done something wrong in Launchbox, but now that everything is running properly I can use the Keymappers in Rocketlauncher and with the choice of JoyToKey and Xpadder at my disposal I was able to get everything up and running the way I wanted, Thanks for your help anyway Crush.


Why not use an Autohotkey script to close Demul?

Here's mine:

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

When i press Button 17 on my Controller 4 Demul quits.



Ah its better now, I am happy using Rocketlauncher for everything, I tried the autohotkey method but I couldn't get it working with my Xbox One controllers, apparently its a common problem with Ahk. Thanks anyway.

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