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I've only used a few themes with BigBox, and have been using CritcalZone mostly since the game view has the game video in a windowed screen. I am not a fan of the full screen background video themes where the video is transparent, I prefer being able to see the gameplay video footage. 

My question is, can I configure the size of the video that plays in a theme? Here's a screenshot of the current view I have at the moment, the bottom most image of the Tetris screen is actually the game video that plays. I'm looking to configure a theme to display a larger video size, possibly double that size. Is there a theme that already does this, or can I configure one to do this for all game videos in Big Box?



One of the views on CriticalZone, or City Hunter the alternate, I want to say is pretty much a fullscreen video, with some info in the corner. As far as keeping all the same info with a much bigger video, some of the other views have bigger video, but I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for.


Thanks @SentaiBrad, I checked through the CityHunter themes and didn't find one with a larger video. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a theme that has the text list with details configured with a video in a larger window on the right? One thing to note is I am not a fan of the game titles in a wheel style with the logos as the game name, I think it takes up too much space and sacrifices speed when navigating. Just a personal preference I guess, I like just having a text list on the left and would like to have the game video preview in a larger window on the right, and just some of the game stats.

Also, where do the platform theme videos get saved to (path on hard drive)? I couldn't seem to find where those go when they're downloaded in Launchbox using the built in Tools > Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos option.


They should be in \..\LaunchBox\Videos\Platforms\.

As for that specific style of set up, I don't know what to tell you. Unless someone knows of something close enough, someone might have to make it. Check out our Theme section and try and find a theme that you think looks good.

11 hours ago, Maddoc1007 said:

@zorkiii Or this i just knocked together quickly place the TextGamesView.xaml inside the view folder inside a theme you like remember to take a backup of the original file first before you overwrite it here is a screenshot of what its like 


Thank you @Maddoc1007, I will check this out later. I appreciate it. I ought to look into creating / configuring my own game view I guess, as it seems I'm in the minority of wanting a text list with a larger video preview.

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