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MAME import


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Hi,  I have read most of if not all the threads on users having trouble importing a "full" rom set within MAME.  I have tried as well, using World and then North America only... No clones...  and MAME still miss a TON of games.  Missile Command, Millipede, DigDug, etc....

It there any way to add these roms without having to add EVERYTHING (3000 roms) and then stripping out / deleting what you dont want via LB?

I have the 1.92 rom set.

Edited by latin625
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Its so weird because people don't always miss the same games for example LB imported all 3 of those games in mine but it makes mistakes and misses stuff still, The process is far from perfect and hopefully whatever Jason comes up with to update it will be better than what we currently have now, which while far from perfect is much better than what we had before which was nothing. Originally LB had no way to identify MAME games and it had no naming logic built in and importing MAME was basically a nightmare. The only way I know to add the games it misses is individually using the add button in the bottom right corner of LB (assuming you have bottom bar enabled in view) or you can press ctlr+n to add a new game. To do this you will have to know the MAME name for the ROM which isn't the greatest but that is the only way I know how to add games that don't import.

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