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In the regular generated platforms for any emulator, you are given the ability to search for titles through an alphabetical search bar. I have a custom platform which is for all of my favorited titles. Any title I call a favorite is auto populated into the platform. 


The problem I'm having, is that my platform always defaults to the letter A once you enter the platform. And when I cycle through the alphabetical searchbar and select a letter, nothing happens, so I'm forced to sift through my entire favorited collection. 

Is there a way for my problem to work? Did I miss a step when I created the platform? Thanks! 


You are talking about in BigBox correct?

What version are you using? Just tested all the playlists (the auto-created ones from Launchbox are actually playlists not platforms) on my setup and both the ones Launchbox creates and the ones I create work with the search bar function. Tested both autopopulated and manually populated playlists. 


Yes this is within Big Box. In not home right now so I can't check what version. 


All my "platforms" like Atari 2600, Nintendo, etc, when I enter them I'm able to scroll through the alphabetical searchbae, choose a letter, and then the game list automatically starts at the selected letter 

My custom platform does not allow me to do that. I forget off the top of my head how I created it within Launchbox? I know I started by picking a game and marking it as a favorite and created a platform to appear with my other platforms, and to allow auto population of any other selected favorited title. 

The platform works great when inside of it, I just can't select a desired letter to start my game list at. I'm lost.

1 hour ago, infidelity said:

Yes this is within Big Box. In not home right now so I can't check what version. 


All my "platforms" like Atari 2600, Nintendo, etc, when I enter them I'm able to scroll through the alphabetical searchbae, choose a letter, and then the game list automatically starts at the selected letter 

My custom platform does not allow me to do that. I forget off the top of my head how I created it within Launchbox? I know I started by picking a game and marking it as a favorite and created a platform to appear with my other platforms, and to allow auto population of any other selected favorited title. 

The platform works great when inside of it, I just can't select a desired letter to start my game list at. I'm lost.

It's possible that this is because the playlist that you created is set to use a different view in Big Box. Try mapping a button or a key to the "Switch View" option in the Big Box Options, and then switching the view. If you can give us a screenshot, then we'll know where you're at and we can help you further.


I'll give that a shot tonight. If it is infact a view issue, how can I make it so my platform can use the alphabetic search bar with all views? Thanks! Again I'll report back on your suggestion tonight. 

4 minutes ago, infidelity said:

I'll give that a shot tonight. If it is infact a view issue, how can I make it so my platform can use the alphabetic search bar with all views? Thanks! Again I'll report back on your suggestion tonight. 

You should be able to do it with all views, but it may be that you might not know how if the view is different. But really it's just a guess. I don't have much to go on so I'm just grasping at straws. Either way, a screenshot will help. It's also theme-specific, so the issue could be with whatever theme you're using.


So I've still got no luck with this. I created a button to swap the views, and each view does not allow me to select a letter to start my gamelist from.

I did this for all the themes I have within big box, and it still produced the same result. 

I even deleted the playlist, started all over with creating a new playlist, and I still get the same issue....

Posted (edited)

Here is a link to my issue in action.


<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.250%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/s/siimr/cbrgzj" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

when cycling through the search bar, it'll always default to the letter A. When selecting any letter of the alphabet, it'll always default to A. (not in the video, is when you exit the playlist and reenter the playlist, it does not remember the last title you left off at.

Edited by infidelity

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