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On Full HD (1920x1080) works great, never crash or close suddenly, and transitions are smooth, but on 4K (3840x2160) close every time (both the BigBox and the Launchbox) and transitions dont are smooth, looks a unoptmized system...

When I select a game, or even a platform, it usually closes out of nowhere, sometimes it even shows the preview video, but it usually closes suddenly :|

PC Specs:

Windows 10 (1809)
nVidia GTX 670 (Driver 416.94)
CPU i7 2600 @ 3.4

I can run some games in 4K, like Dragonball FightersZ @ 40/60 FPS and etc, so I do not think it's a problem the computer does not support because it runs some current games in 4K.


@rafaelfndev Sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue on your machine with 4K resolutions. I can say with certainty that both LaunchBox and Big Box work just fine with 4K resolutions, so I believe whatever issue you're running into is likely unrelated to 4K, and more likely related to pushing your machine to its limits or running out of RAM, or something of that nature. I do know that 8 gigs of RAM is quite limiting for 4K games, and overall your hardware is also extremely low-powered for 4K gaming in general. Are you seeing any kind of an error with LaunchBox or Big Box? What is the error message?


Just to add to this also, while i am not currently i did run Launchbox and Bigbox for quite a while at 4K and had no crashing issues. I have also seen a few people around the forums also running 4K just fine. I would take a look at that GPU as it only has 2GB of ram that could be a issue when trying to run at 4k, That is actually very little VRam for this day and age, it would be considered very low when running 1080p content, let alone 4K at 4 times the resolution.


@Mr_x92 thanks, I'm trying yet to get help to solve this...

@Jason Carr I can't see error, just close suddenly, see video:

The problem is not memory or video card, when I'm using the LauchBox/BigBox, both GPU or Memory are not using even half of capacity, so that's not the problem. Both works great on many games in 4k, but on LaunchBox, without any program running or game, the LauchBox/BigBox close suddenly.

LauchBox/BigBox Have some debug tool to see whats happen? I can't see any error message, maybe looking on log I can find the problem...


@rafaelfndev Unfortunately Windows Task Manager does not do a good job reporting correct memory usage, so that can't really be trusted. There is a debug log you can enable, however. If you open the LaunchBox\Data\Settings.xml file in a text editor, you'll find a line called DebugLog that you can set to true instead of false. It should then start creating log files in the Logs folder. I would also try some different themes to see if maybe it's a theme-specific issue. Another thing to try is to switch the video playback engine to either Windows Media Player or VLC, depending on what it is currently. Hopefully that will help to narrow it down. :)

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