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Change Input For Daphne Singe? (Ninja Hayate, TIme Gal)


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Ok...Heres Whats Happening. I've Finally Got Ninya Hayate & Time Gal Laserdisc Games Working on Daphne singe....albeit by .bat files. i want to change the input to the buttons of my choosing.  i dont see a input dll file either. i guess its because of the version im using.. Help


Edited by Cnells2000
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@Headrush69 sorry it took me so long to respond but i work alot and i have a little time tonight. actually my daphne singe doesnt have a dainput file like my regular daphne the singe folder i missing that file. but the controls are still the default ones the singe version i have comes with. i appreciate all the help u can offer if u can

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:05 PM, Cnells2000 said:

@Headrush69 sorry it took me so long to respond but i work alot and i have a little time tonight. actually my daphne singe doesnt have a dainput file like my regular daphne the singe folder i missing that file. but the controls are still the default ones the singe version i have comes with. i appreciate all the help u can offer if u can

Do you maintain a separate folder for daphne and singe, or just daphne folder with so he folder inside?

If separate, just copy the dainput.ini from Daphne folder into your Singe installation folder right beside the daphne.exe and make your changes. It doesn’t look like you have that file.

Just remember that keys that rely on shift being held won't work as the shift is handled as a key press, not a combination with the next key.

Edited by Headrush69
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1 hour ago, Cnells2000 said:

thanks for responding. i did put the dainput file in the singe folder and the configuration is still the same . i tried placing it in different sections of the folders to see if i would get a hit. but, to no avail

Are you sure you are changing the values correctly?

I tested it this morning and it worked OK here, but I'm not running that particular Singe game. The only other thing I could suggest, are you 100% it's called dainput.ini? You have show file extensions turned off, so it's possible it's dainput.ini.txt or something similar.

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