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i use a BigBox theme with different platforms like Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Wii U etc.

All of these platform boxes have different sizes. Wii U boxes are tall like DVD boxes, Super Nintendo boxes are rather wide.

My problem is that the "spacing" command in xaml cover flow just genereally leaves a gap, regardless of the nature of the box, instead of making the gap exactly between the boxes.

It then follows that e.g. the Wii U boxes are exactly next to each other, but the Super Nintendo boxes overlap.

Is it possible to leave a gap between the boxes in relation of their nature instead of just leaving a general gap?

I hope you unterstand my problem, English is not my first language! ?

Many thanks in advance!



Edited by nschlichtmann

I have extremly modified the AllNightLong Theme. But since i don't know much about XAML, the substructure has remained so far, i only changed it graphically according to my wishes. Trial and Error but finally everything works fine!

I guess i have to change something here, right?

<!-- Wheel -->
			<Grid x:Name="Wheel" Panel.ZIndex="250"  >
					<RowDefinition  Height="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_H, Path=Text}" />
					<ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_W, Path=Text}" />
				<coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
					Opacity="1.0" ImageType="Boxes" CurveAmount="0" VisibleCount="5" PageSize="12"
					CameraZPosition="4.8" ItemZPosition="0.7" SelectedItemZPosition="1.4" Spacing="1.8" RotationAmount="0"  RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" >
						<coverFlow:HorizontalWheelCoverFactory />
							<RotateTransform Angle="0" />
							<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1.3" ScaleY="1.3" />
							<SkewTransform  AngleX="0" AngleY="0" />
						<TranslateTransform X="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_X, Path=Text}" Y="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Y, Path=Text}"/>
						<RotateTransform CenterX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_CenterX, Path=Text}" CenterY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_CenterY, Path=Text}"  Angle="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Angle, Path=Text}" />
						<SkewTransform   CenterX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_X, Path=Text}" CenterY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Y, Path=Text}" AngleX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_SkewAngleX, Path=Text}" AngleY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_SkewAngleY, Path=Text}" />

I found out, that "spacing" changes the space between the covers, but it don't separate the covers itself, it just adds a static gap. 

Do you understand what i mean? The Boxes, no matter which dimensions they have should have the same gap between. ?

Many thanks for your reply!


51 minutes ago, nschlichtmann said:

I have extremly modified the AllNightLong Theme. But since i don't know much about XAML, the substructure has remained so far, i only changed it graphically according to my wishes. Trial and Error but finally everything works fine!

I guess i have to change something here, right?

<!-- Wheel -->
			<Grid x:Name="Wheel" Panel.ZIndex="250"  >
					<RowDefinition  Height="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_H, Path=Text}" />
					<ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_W, Path=Text}" />
				<coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
					Opacity="1.0" ImageType="Boxes" CurveAmount="0" VisibleCount="5" PageSize="12"
					CameraZPosition="4.8" ItemZPosition="0.7" SelectedItemZPosition="1.4" Spacing="1.8" RotationAmount="0"  RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" >
						<coverFlow:HorizontalWheelCoverFactory />
							<RotateTransform Angle="0" />
							<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1.3" ScaleY="1.3" />
							<SkewTransform  AngleX="0" AngleY="0" />
						<TranslateTransform X="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_X, Path=Text}" Y="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Y, Path=Text}"/>
						<RotateTransform CenterX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_CenterX, Path=Text}" CenterY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_CenterY, Path=Text}"  Angle="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Angle, Path=Text}" />
						<SkewTransform   CenterX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_X, Path=Text}" CenterY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_Y, Path=Text}" AngleX="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_SkewAngleX, Path=Text}" AngleY="{Binding ElementName=Prop_Wheel_SkewAngleY, Path=Text}" />

I found out, that "spacing" changes the space between the covers, but it don't separate the covers itself, it just adds a static gap. 

Do you understand what i mean? The Boxes, no matter which dimensions they have should have the same gap between. ?

Many thanks for your reply!


Edit the ITemZposition and SelectedItemZPosition. That is each item relative position to the camera (or rather how close and how far in the Z axis it is). For example SelectedItemZPosition the higher the number the closer the selected item image will appear to you in the screen. You would need to find a sweet spot that will work with the different box image shapes. It will not be perfect.

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