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Exit from Teknoparrot error


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4 hours ago, Retro808 said:

Just the Batman.xml. All the games I have run through Tekno just point to the xml. Well some may still have the old .txt method, but that is just because I have not taken time to update to the xml.

The command line --profile=Batman.xml is telling TP UI what to run.

I altered my setup to point to the XML. Same result. 

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I switched over to launch TP games with Rocketlauncher and it hides the errors when exiting a game. Not a solution but atleast it is hidden now.

However, one annoyance I can't seem to figure out. When exiting the game, BigBox goes to the options menu instead of the game selection screen. It is like it hits the "esc" button twice. To be fair I'm using Joy2Key for the exit/esc button. When I hit esc on my keyboard it doesn't happen. 

Any ideas?

Edited by jfree427
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue, after some messing around I can now exit a Teknoparrot game using the esc key whilst using launch box and bigbox without getting the error message, for some reason my "running autohotkey script" said something about 'F4 send message', I have cleared this.

The problem seems to be that I have set up keyboard automation to exit a game (holding down player 1 start and pressing player 2 start to exit), this is what is causing the error message for me, I don't know if that autohotkey script has to convey this same info, I wouldn't know how to word that, anyway that seems to be why I am having this issue.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the info, but I tried and it didn't work for me, I think it's definitely a problem with using a 2 button combo to exit Teknoparrot. There is a setting in TP under global hotkeys where you can change the exit game key, but it's all virtual key codes and I've no idea how to write 'hold button x then tap button x'.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...
On 1/27/2023 at 2:50 AM, XmemphistoX said:

I get this too.  A wonky way around this is to accept the error message but have AHK wait for it and send an alt-f4 right after


    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    WinWaitActive, Error
    Send !{f4}                

This is the only thing that has worked for me to avoid the error. Thanks!

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  • 1 year later...

I have not found any fix for this yet and came up with a solution by sending an Esc keypress to TP when Esc is pressed on the keyboard. Put the script in the running scripts

; Replace "GameRunning" with the process name for TeknoParrot if it ever gets changed
TeknoParrotExe := "GameRunning"

; Send Esc to TeknoParrot
IfWinExist, ahk_exe %TeknoParrotExe%
    Sleep 100
    Send, {Esc}


Edited by mykron
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