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Getting screen tearing when in full screen with latest version of PCSX2?
Is the screen tearing gone when you run in a maximized window instead of running full screen?
Then you may want to try "borderless windowed".

For those that don't know, borderless windowed looks like full screen, but it is just a maximized window but hides the taskbar and the window title bar.
LaunchBox already hides the taskbar by default.
So it's really just a matter of hiding the title bar of the maximized window.
Now I have PCSX2 set to start a game in a window, have LB launch PCSX2 with the default command -nogui to hide all of the bars (except the title bar of course) then have the AHK script below in the Running Script to take care of the rest.

Below is the AHK script that I pieced together from examples in the LB forums, perhaps someone else will find it useful.

        ; the script below maximizes the window then switches it to Borderless Windowed

         Sleep, 2000    ;wait 2 seconds
         WinActive("A") ;grab the currently active window
         WinMaximize    ;maximize the currently active window
         WinSet, Style, -0xC40000    ;change the window style to "borderless windowed"

        ; the script below kills PCSX2 when you press the ESC key

            Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

Background story, for the curious:
When I upgraded my year-old version of PCSX2 (from Aug 2021) to the latest version (Oct 2022) I started having very noticeable screen tearing in Devil May Cry during the FMV intro and even during gameplay.
A lil Googling found a post revealing that starting with PCSX2 v1.7.2187,  it disables the windows DWM when in full screen mode.
For some users with a Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) monitor, that could mean screen tearing.
And I'm one of those lucky guys.
Turning on Vsync fixes that, but turning that on also makes the game run slowly for me.
I tried a bazillion combos of audio / graphics / renderer settings, even disabled VRR on the HDMI port on my TV that my PC is plugged into and also changed the setting in Nvidia control panel from G Sync to "fixed refresh rate".
Yet still no matter what combo of settings I enabled/disabled I was always left with either screen tearing without Vsync or horrible performance with Vsync.
Running in a maximized window, it runs fine with no screen tearing.
So "borderless windowed" was my best option.

So now I have PSCX2 launching in a window, LaunchBox using the default command -nogui (to remove the "settings bar" from window) and added that AHK script to the Running Script.
Thus ending a couple days of pain and frustration trying every combo of settings imaginable!


My Setup:
Monitor - 75" Vizio P Series Quantum X P75QX-H1
CPU - i5 10600kf (6 core / 12 thread @ 4.9GHz liquid cooled with AIO)
RAM - 32GB 2666MHz 
GPU - GTX 1660 Super

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