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Need help getting CXBX Reloaded and Xenia to launch on my second monitor


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Usually i've always just disabled my primary screen when running LB/BB to get standalone emulators to launch on the correct screen. I used to do it this way because a few standalone emulators would launch on the wrong screen and not remember window/screen position and size. Now it seems like a lot of emulators have fixed this issue and have no problem running on the correct screen. Emulators such as RPCS3, Yuzu, PCSX2, Cemu, and Dolphin have no problem remembering the screen to open on. However, i've noticed CXBX Reloaded and Xenia do not remember the screen to open on. Does anyone know of a way to fix this issue with these two emulators?

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So I found a tool called MonitorProfileSwitcher, and I also have this tool called AutoActions. In MonitorProfileSwitcher, i've set up two profiles. One with my 1440p monitor set as primary, and another profile with my 4K TV as primary. I set up a hotkey for each profile. For my 1440p primary profile, the hotkey is   -

For my 4K TV primary profile, the hotkey is   =

In AutoActions, i've made a profile so when CXBX Reloaded or Xenia is launched, it automatically launches MonitorProfileSwitcher. When CXBX or Xenia is closed, it closes MonitorProfileSwitcher.

My question is, is there a way to add the -  or =  hotkeys to a commandline argument section in AutoActions, or maybe to add them hotkeys to the running script section of Launchbox/BigBox?

Sorry for the complicated mess, I wish LB/BB had a feature built in like this so we could avoid using this many third party applications to get the desired result. Thank you in advance.

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So I found this app called DIsplayFusion. It has a feature called triggers. Basically, on opening an app(CXBX, Xenia, etc.), it can move the app to the screen of your choosing. Works like a charm. Would still love to see this feature implemented into Launchbox in the future. Hope this helps anyone who has this problem in the future.

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52 minutes ago, BrainyCabde said:

maybe to add them hotkeys to the running script section of Launchbox/BigBox?

Instead of creating/adding/using the hotkeys and using AutoActions, just use the command(s) available in MonitorProfileSwitcher to load the profiles.

If it works to change the profile while the game is loading (vs. it HAS to be switched PRIOR to loading the game), add to the Running Script for that emulator:

(For cxbx emulator)

Run, "MonitorSwitcher.exe" -load:Profile-1.xml, F:\Misc\Monitor Switcher

while winExist("ahk_exe cxbx.exe")
    sleep 700

Run, "MonitorSwitcher.exe" -load:Profile-2.xml, F:\Misc\Monitor Switcher
  • Change Profile-1.xml and Profile-2.xml to your saved profile_names.xml you want to load when the emulator launches (1st line) and after it exits (last line).  Respectively.
  • Change F:\Misc\Monitor Switcher (2 places) to the full path where your MonitorSwitcher.exe is located.

For your Xenia emulator, do the same thing(s), and also change cxbx.exe to xenia.exe (2 places).


If they have to be switched before loading the game (emulator), then you'll [instead] need to add Additional Apps for each game and have them checked to Run Before Main App and Run After Main App using only [modified] line 1 above and the last line. Respectively.


1 hour ago, BrainyCabde said:

I wish LB/BB had a feature built in like this so we could avoid using this many third party applications to get the desired result.

LaunchBox can't 'fix' finnicky emulators.  But it can accommodate most all of their shortcomings. ;) 

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Thank you for this. Display Fusion seems to be a bit easier to use than MonitorSwitcher. The only problem is, CXBX Reloaded goes fullscreen instantly on game launch and I can't move the window afterwards. Xenia has no problems at all since it starts windowed then goes fullscreen afterwards. I tried using alt+enter to fullscreen a windowed CXBX, but it doesn't do anything unfortunately. Other than that, everything is working fine now. Thanks for your help ;)

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1 hour ago, BrainyCabde said:

Thank you for this. Display Fusion seems to be a bit easier to use than MonitorSwitcher.

You're welcome.

As for Display Fusion being easier to use, you already had MonitorSwitcher working.  Just needed the command lines. ;) 

Anyway, I like the footprint of MonitorSwitcher compared to DF (KB's vs. 200+ MB's), and it doesn't require any installation.  Also the $ cost to save profiles for later use is a bit cheaper.  But that's just me. :D

Glad you got something working for you.

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Sorry again for bumping, but something occured to me this morning and I wanted to share here. I started thinking, why don't I just make my 4K TV the primary display. I'll set my taskbar to both screens and also enable auto hide taskbar. This way everything will natively just launch on the TV instead of my 1440p display. Then when I want to launch PC games on my 1440p display, 99% of the time they have a monitor selction in the graphics optinons anyways. The reason I didn't do this before, is because my 4K TV is the LGCX OLED. OLED's have a notorious problem with screen burn in. I already set my wallpaper to black so it literally looks like it's turned off. Then I thought, why not just make it primary and auto hide taskbar so the burn in won't be an issue. Now i'm running it this way, and don't need third party apps or a bunch of ahk scripts to fix flaws with the old setup.

Again, sorry for making a bunch of posts in various threads these last few weeks. Just want to share the experience with anyone who might be in a similar situation. Launchbox is an amazing piece of software that i've always dreamed of. The community here is amazing. Thank you guys for everything you do!

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