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Launchbox Creating 2 of the same Platforms

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Hey everyone! I am trying to create a platform called 'Arcade Racers". When I go to add a rom and create and go through all the steps it creates 2 platforms that are identical. If I delete one, it deletes both. I have restarted launchbox and no matter what it does the same thing. Is there something I am missing?

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31 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

I've never heard of this issue or seen it reported. What steps are you doing to add the game?

Add a rom, create platform and scraper and so on. Right after it shows 2 "Arcade Raceing" platforms. This is a platform with roms from different emulators as well. I've also never seen this issue either.


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If you mean Skraper the app you need to verify it's not leaving "-backup" files in your \\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms folder. It's default settings do this and it really messes things up for the app. Also if you manually add a game and set the platform to what you want that process will make the platform if it doesn't exist. You shouldn't need to create it after the fact as well.

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1 hour ago, quicksavebarcade said:

Oh I was meaning the scrapper built in to launchbox when you select or create a custom platfrom. For example if I add Outrun and put it in Arcade Racing and scrape it as arcade.


I'm a little confused (don't worry i always am) "add a rom create a platform" so you are not doing import/pick a platform?


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