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The Great Game Gauntlet: Round 3  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Cast your vote for the game you’d like to see advance to the next round!

    • Tomb Raider I-III Remastered
    • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
    • Spyro Reignited Trilogy
    • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy
    • Ninja Gaiden Master Collection

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Improved controls, graphics, and sound are the hallmarks of a remaster.  I really like when they make it easy to switch back and forth between the old and new.  It really gives you an appreciation for how far the changes have come.


For me I like to see games preserved in their original form / gameplay perfect.  Leave the warts in.  Nothing is more hype than booting up street fighter 30th anniversary and hitting someone with invisible dhalsim or guile handcuff.  If capcom remastered sf2 and the glitches / exploits weren't there it wouldn't be the same game.

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A graphics and resolution update is essential. But I really appreciate that you can play the original game. In addition to pleasing the nostalgic people, it's a simple way to preserve the original games.


It mostly depends on the original game. Sometimes a nice graphic retouch is enough (Like the original Command and Conquer), but other games seriously need a few tweaks here and there to adapt themselves better to the current times (Like Quake 2). In any case, as much new content they can keep adding to the old game. (Like expansions, new levels, and bonus stuff) way better.


No input lag. The input lag on MegaMan Collection 1 makes it unplayable for me. Kept falling because I have muscle memory for jumped etc. Went back to play on emu and immediately jumping right on cue. 

Really appreciate bonus galleries for concept sketches, that stuff is great. Best would be in a book format, but I'll take it in digital also.


A remaster should bring updates to run on latest hardware, fix bugs, update graphics/sounds without totally reimagining them, and if possible add some modern online multiplayer capabilities.  I would also expect it to include all expansion/bonus content that had been made for the game.  I really like the Portal RTX remaster and am looking forward to Half-Life 2 RTX.


Remasters should control the same or have the option to do new controls. 

The graphics should be redone.

New OST with the option of the original.

Behind the scenes and artwork. 


I think a lot of the previous posts nailed it.

For me, I want a remaster that makes the original game playable on my modern system first and foremost. From there, I prefer toggles for options such as graphical changes, music changes, etc. 

Without fail, anyone working on a remaster should communicate with the community. 




When a game is remastered I'm looking for the essence of the game to be maintained. I want to feel the same way I did when I played it the first time. BUT, I expect improvements to any issues that became evident as the game aged - controls, camera angles, even plot problems, that sort of thing. And if some bonus material makes an appearance (cut scenes, more background, etc) then I'm even happier!


Where applicable I think updating control options or other QOL updates are essential.

Updating controls for modern controller/play styles makes so much difference (Metroid Prime for example.) Same with Adding the faster sail cloth in Wind Waker. Addressing issue like that make revisiting these games so enjoyable without sacrificing the integrity of the game.


I think a good example of what I'm looking for would be  liked Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It felt like the original game to me with better graphics and I really liked the ability to switch from old to new graphics so I can see what changes they made.


A remaster should be just the original game but enhanced in some aspects. There's a reason the original games were great. Preserve that as much as possible while making them run on more modern hardware and giving them needed QOL and control updates


My thoughts on a good remaster.

Modernizing the graphics is a must : This includes higher resolution textures, improved lighting, and updated character models.

Performance improvements : Ensuring the game runs smoothly on modern hardware.

Enhancing the sound design : including music and voice acting.

Lastly while improvements are necessary, it’s important to stay true to the original game’s spirit and design. 







core gameplay should stay the same. Adding vibrations/updated textures and/or some fan service like more guns/costums/stuff are always welcome


In my opinion a great remaster should have update to proper have the image fit the modern form factor of screens, plus a proper update for modern game controllers. It is also expected to have better visuals, to cover for the bigger screens, but ideally there should be an option for those who wants to play on the original visuals and form factor. As a bonus, it would include achievements, if not present on the original release.


As already stated. keep the core gameplay the same. Just touch up graphics, controls and audio. Surely you can't go wrong then really. Maybe online function's and or a Leader board at a stretch for some games.


Updated graphics, sound, and added content would make a successful remaster. For added content maybe bonus content like behind the scenes type videos and artwork on how the teams created/updated models. I also like the option to quickly switch between old and new graphics.

Posted (edited)

A good example for a bad way to do a remaster is the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition. This is a mess.

1. Graphics

To a good remaster i think that you can update some textures, areas, characters models, but without turn the game on a total new one (and this specific don't means anything good), and if you want it, just do a remake, not a remaster.

2. Controls

Specially in this part, is good to adapt old controls to actual platforms controls, adapting or maintaining the same with some adjustments. Just not breaking the game itself or turning the things more difficult than they really are.

This two things to me, it's the formula to do a real remaster.


Edited by GabrielP7
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