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Trying to launch MAME from AHK file?

Go to solution Solved by JoeViking245,

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Hi all

I'm trying to launch ChaseHQ from an AHK file so that I can have MameHooker running instead of LEDBlinky.

I've tried lots of different variants but I'm getting nowhere and wondered if someone could help?

Here's where I'm up to...

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force

SetWorkingDir, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MAME\MAME Arcade"  ;where mame is located. Note: No "\" after "Mame".
MAMERun = mame.exe
GameRDP = "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip"  ;Path and Machine (rom) folder

Run,taskkill /im "LEDBlinky.exe" /F
Sleep 2500
Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F
Sleep 2500
Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MameHooker\mamehooker5.1\mamehook.exe"
Sleep 2500
Run, %MAMERun% -"D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip", , Hide

    Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F
    Sleep 300
    Run,taskkill /im "mame.exe" /F
WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe
    Sleep 300
    Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe"


I just get an error when it comes to launching MAME ?

  • Solution
39 minutes ago, Johnny T said:

I just get an error when it comes to launching MAME ?

You have an extra - (dash) right before the "path\to\ROM.zip".  Remove it.

Run, %MAMERun% -"D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip", , Hide

Run, %MAMERun% "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip", , Hide

;  OR

Run, %MAMERun% "%GameRDP%", , Hide


Posted (edited)

Thanks @JoeViking245 you cracked it!

I thought I still had an error but with a bit more experimentation it's now working.

You were right with your fix but I also had an issue with quotation marks around the SetWorkingDir variable that I didn't need.

So my full script is now:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance force

SetWorkingDir, D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MAME\MAME Arcade  ;where mame is located. Note: No "\" after "Mame".
MAMERun = mame.exe
GameRDP = D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Games\Arcade\chasehq.zip  ;Path and Machine (rom) folder

Run,taskkill /im "LEDBlinky.exe" /F
Sleep 2500
Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F
Sleep 2500
Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\Emulators\MameHooker\mamehooker5.1\mamehook.exe"
Sleep 2500
Run, %MAMERun% "%GameRDP%", , Hide

    Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F
    Sleep 300
    Run,taskkill /im "mame.exe" /F
WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe
    Sleep 300
    Run, "D:\LaunchBox Arcade\LEDBlinky\LEDBlinky.exe"


This is working perfectly - thanks very much for your help! :)  Let's go Mr Driver.........



Edited by Johnny T
  • Game On 1

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