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1 Screenshot

About This File

Hi everyone, a very little contribution ...

Cut it and paste in .\LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\###\Banner

###: the name of your system

Useless part, my reasons:

I wanted to do a hyperspin theme before, but finally I prefer the BigBox, I do not know if I could customize as I wish. But for the while, with some of my work, I made this icon for the menu launcher. I hope you enjoy. I keep the same idea as the basic model that shows "16-bit ...." I found it very cool ... I hope to come back to post a theme for BigBox, which mean that I did what I want to do  (animate a background with a grid of neon scrolling made with blender and some other things...).

This is the first version of the system, my pretty machine, I cleaned it regulary with specific oil (really ^ ^) to maintain its brightness ...  I think it must be the European version, or PAL. In any case, it was the one we have in France ... the red was the 60hz (U.S version for us),  knowed to not to have the cropped image and to be a little faster. It's a tribute for this legendary machine for me...

As you can see it's not called "genesis" but "megadrive", another difference.

Cya and sorry for my english. :)

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