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Files posted by Axenn

  1. Unpack My Game

    Hi guys !

    1) Description
        UnpackMyGame allow to inject games packed with PackMyGame into LaunchBox, based on wpf/.net Core 3.1 instead of  forms/.net framework ... 

       It's available in English and French.

    2) Current Version
    Unpack-My-Game: v1.0.2.1 (beta) PackMyGame
    3) Links
        Because there is a lot of modifications, bugfixes since the last version i made a wiki on my github, i will try to let the best explanations on it. 
    Github Wiki     Don't hesitate to signal any bug, there is a log system, it will help to improve the application (if you are french, write to me in french ^^)
    4) Some words...
    If, after have inject a game, you don't see its cover, check if the emulator injected from the xml files (your old backup) still available, and/or refresh images. Sapp Pas Root could help you at the end to manage paths. I tested a lot Pack and Unpack, 3 months for pack and 1 month since i changed all the core for Unpack. I tried to place some securities to avoid bad manipulations, but it still to be a beta there is probably some (minor i hope) bugs to remove. Unpack makes a copy of platforms before to inject, you have 100 copies before it blocks on the 00 version of the backup and overwrite it. I must find an algorithm to overwrite by date on 100 copies. Difference between unpack and inject is inject don't add files... If you have several users on the same machine, you don't need to copy files but you need to inject games for each launchbox profile, inject is here for that. Pack  and Unpack use a common library i wrote, the same used in SappPasRoot... Step by step i will accelerate and reduce verbose, and put a parameter in config file to change the verbose mode for the user. You need the 7z NATIVE dll to use 7z compression, it must be copie in x86 or x64 folder according of your version. Currenly tested only on windows computer, i will happy to have feedback if somebody test with linux but i don't think it can work because of link i use in paths. I must install a linux machine soon i will see what can i do for that. 5) Bug Knowns 
    Inject game: right button crash, fixed on source files.


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  2. PackMyGame V2

    Hi guys,
    I made a new version of PackMyGame, based on wpf/.net Core 3.1 instead of  forms/.net framework ... 

    1) What's new
        This new version bears the possibility to unpack games, extract platforms to reinject later, don't have paths into the xml extracted, check links validity, md5 file calculation. Unpack need a new file, generated by PackMyGame, 'DPGame.json', but you can generate a new:
    By pack if you have always your game into LaunchBox. By the old xml files (TBGame, EBGame) with Unpack. This DPGame.json file allows also to change, place default files... except for Additionnal Application and the main, there is a lot of modification with LaunchBox, i prefere that the user changes it into LaunchBox.
    Both are now portable, new config file is created at the root. Both use relative links for LaunchBoxPath and the working folder... You could let it on an external hard drive.

    Read the wiki to discover all the other things that changed since the last version.
    2) Description
        PackMyGame allow to pack your games into folders, zip or 7zip archives. If you need to keep a backup of them, even more if you translated descriptions of your games, you could keep it in a sure place with this application.
       It's available in English and French, PackMyGame use now a xml file to translate, you could easy make your own translation, put it in the Languages folder, it will be recognize

    3) Version
    Pack-My-Game: v2.0.2.0 (beta) UnpackMyGame    

    4) Links
        Because there is a lot of modifications, bugfixes since the last version i made a wiki on my github, i will try to let the best explanations on it. 
    Github Wiki     Don't hesitate to signal any bug, there is a log system, it will help to improve the application (if you are french, write to me in french ^^)
    5) Some words...
    I tested a lot Pack and Unpack, 3 months for pack and 1 month since i changed all the core for Unpack. I tried to place some securities to avoid bad manipulations, but it still to be a beta there is probably some (minor i hope) bugs to remove. I'm sick, this why sometimes i can't make update, i will not die but i have a genetical dicease that make my days very difficult during months. This is why i couldn't make any update during months, i couldn't understand my own code because i was to tired. I apologize for that. Pack  and Unpack use a common library i wrote, the same used in SappPasRoot... Step by step i will accelerate and reduce verbose, and put a parameter in config file to change the verbose mode for the user. You need the 7z NATIVE dll to use 7z compression, it must be copie in x86 or x64 folder according of your version.


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  3. PackMyGame

    Repository: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game
    Explanations in English: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game/blob/master/README.md
    Explications en Français: https://github.com/daerlnaxe/Pack-My-Game/blob/master/README-FR.md
    Beta version:  don't change anything in LaunchBox. Use it only with roms !
    What it does:
    It copies then compress everything about a game contained in the db of LaunchBox app. It generates a short xml file with the main information about the game It takes images, pdf manual, video, music, rom file. It takes also the cheatcode files if you fill the path ('GameName-.') It generates a tree view file. 7z and zip compression Backup datas about a game from LaunchBox xml When PackMe run, creates an enhanced xml file, adding missing paths, additionally to the original backup Permits to choose manually video, music, manual if db don't mention paths. Contextual menu permits now to make some operations to construct the workfolder, to compress it later.  
    Why ?
    Because as a french gamer i wanted to save everything i fill about my games and keep it for later, just in case there was a problem, reinstall or whatever. Note
    Use it only with roms. Don't move or delete files from the source (never) It asks before to overwrite roms, manuals, music, video that are in the working directory meanwhile the copy (the target directory) Currently it asks a global permission to overwrite for the image/pictures files, even if there is no image file in the the destination folder. The clones are added only if they are grouped with a main in LaunchBox Compression 7z and zip It logs everything during the game treatment in a window, and a file. TODO
    Work in progress: Eliminate duplicates images files function in contextual menu (md5 calcul) Filter platforms Double Security on work folder Find a better way to handle images files Correct the english version Carroussel to see image files to overwrite etc... (if necessary) Mode silent without box prompt ? (All overwrite) Mode silent without log window Edit info in short list ? => it means to load total information of the game. Splashscreen on loading Ameliorate config with own browser system and box path editable md5 Compareason ? Move VFolder, HFolder, copyfile, reconstruct path (set a security basic path option)
    About EBGame.xml and OBGame.xml.
    This xml files are a first step to reinject games in LaunchBox xml files, but keep in mind, it's a beta.  This is why i didn't make a function to do it, to test,before, the reliability, so wait before to do it manually, please, or do it at your own risks.


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  4. CleanImages

    Scan images for a game, find duplicate then ask (see screenshot) to the user for what to do. How to use:
    Right click on a game, then choose the plugin When the scan is finished you can make defile images, you will have resolution, location, mediatype to Help you to decide what to do. Images are trashed, not destroyed. By click on the image you could see it in big picture mode. Versions:
    14/09/2018 Big update + New boxes for multi-game selection Fixed: debug mode Fixed: update progression French translation ok (i hope) Separation gui/process, GUIs come from another depository, you could also use it if needed, everything is free and under gnu licence. Fixed problem on window for manual manage images.
      10/09/2018 First release Note:
    As you can see from the screenshot, I have the same image in two locations, the fun part is that I didn't do that willingly, but it was fine to make an example. The strange string is the md5 sum of the first file.  By click on arrow you change the picture I'm really happy to see people downloading my work, i feel useful Ii'm not really good in english if you see some errors, please be welcome to feedback them to me.. Todo:
    Close multi-game window automatically at ending process (with timer choice) Show filename pics at the top of them.  
    Debug version : verbose in log file located in ./Logs/


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  5. Sega Megadrive.jpg

    Hi everyone, a very little contribution ...
    Cut it and paste in .\LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\###\Banner
    ###: the name of your system

    Useless part, my reasons:
    I wanted to do a hyperspin theme before, but finally I prefer the BigBox, I do not know if I could customize as I wish. But for the while, with some of my work, I made this icon for the menu launcher. I hope you enjoy. I keep the same idea as the basic model that shows "16-bit ...." I found it very cool ... I hope to come back to post a theme for BigBox, which mean that I did what I want to do  (animate a background with a grid of neon scrolling made with blender and some other things...).
    This is the first version of the system, my pretty machine, I cleaned it regulary with specific oil (really ^ ^) to maintain its brightness ...  I think it must be the European version, or PAL. In any case, it was the one we have in France ... the red was the 60hz (U.S version for us),  knowed to not to have the cropped image and to be a little faster. It's a tribute for this legendary machine for me...
    As you can see it's not called "genesis" but "megadrive", another difference.
    Cya and sorry for my english.


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