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14 Screenshots

About This File

Attached are some box art and clear logos that I use for my own personal collection. Some of these I mocked up myself since a lot of them just don't exist really anywhere and some were just edited/modified and others are just ones that I downloaded (Super Metroid Eris being one of those). In any case I don't take any credit for any of them since none are 100% original work by me. I am by no means a professional and I wish I could re-draw the logos that aren't high res, but I don't have those kinds of skills. I am also being very careful not to step on the toes of people that have already submitted artwork here, so if you are looking for box-art/logos for:


Super Mario Omega

Super Mario Land 3

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Revamped

Zelda: The Legend of Link

Hyper Metroid

The Legend of Zelda DX

None of these are included (unless I make my own variants on them) and can be downloaded from the site, if you need those (it's what I am using for those games).


What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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In virtute Dei


Love them! Brutal Doom one is probably my favorite.

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