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8 Screenshots

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Capcom Play System III 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels

This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:

If you like these in Mame format go to: Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels

  - All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
  - 6 unique bezels


The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.

 1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/FB Alpha 2012" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the FB Alpha 2012 core.

 2. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/CPS3" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.

Done & Enjoy! \m/



Mr.DO for most artwork: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Added subtle shadow effects to the corners of the cabinets and darkened the t-molding

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