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Files posted by Mr. RetroLust
Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels / Artwork
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner
Part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Bezels" series, for RetroArch bezels in this series see: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1950-mr-retrolusts-lights-off-retroarch-bezels/
NOTE: This original project uses a reflection and scratch layer to add a realistic effect, it defines the style of the project, this is not for everyone. But please don't request "a clean verion" as I haven't kept the layer formats for all these 2000 games, this project is what it is.
Realistic bezels in 3840x2160 resolution for MAME. My goal was to make bezels for around 1300 MAME games I had in my collection but I ended up making many bezels more.
I started this project in 2019 and finished it in 2022 or so I thought... started making more bezels later on again. I used existing high quality artwork but also cleaned a lot of previously unavailable artwork which @Mr. Do had in his amazing collection. I searched high and low with google images to find existing artwork, which took me to Japanese websites often using google translate and research to get to those obscure images. The quality isn't always as high but I made sure I always used the highest quality I could find.
Note: These artwork packs are made for older versions of Mame, if you use Mame 0.226 and upwards and find these files don't work right please see this post as you need to have them in a different lay structure:
Place the zip files inside the packs in mame/artwork/
Also be sure to curve the screen in Mame effects, you can use the preset files I've included in the downloads but they are for an older version of Mame (0.198) so they might not work on newer versions. To learn more about effects in Mame be sure to read this well: https://docs.mamedev.org/advanced/hlsl.html
Most of the artwork used are from the most excellent @Mr. Do & the many team members: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/index.php
For NeoGeo artwork much artwork came from: http://www.neogeosoft.com/
For Flyer artwork the amazing: https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/ and https://www.flyerfever.com/
Some artwork used from: https://www.verticalarcade.com/ which has amazing vertical bezels, be sure to pay them a visit.
Some artwork used from imbord3rlin3: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/high-resolution-scan-database-scans-as-a-free-service.24725/
Photos from Museum of the Game® & International Arcade Museum® https://forums.arcade-museum.com/
For research the great Arcade Database by: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/
Special thanks to the following people, without them this project wouldn't be what it is: @ArsInvictus John Merrit, @Briball @cmgssilva @Orionsangel @Boz1978 @L4ZYD4NE @Manson976 UDb23 @IainSA TheGuru, Smitdogg, CAG, DrVectrex, tbombaci, italie, MAMEWorld, Ad_Enuff, UDb Raspbear, @destrowade @CKL @Thoggo @Antny @Dreamstate Andyaust @zugswang Spinnhacker, CCF Gameplay, jkburks, Comboman, Tim Lindquist, TrevEB, Aaron Giles, Jumpman1981, @kloug666
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Final 4:3 (Big Box Theme)
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Themes
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Huge thanks goes out to @y2guru for his Community Theme Creator Software and his endless personal help, also he created the animated wheels for this theme! @Hexxxer for the original inspiration of his FutureState theme. @Rincewind for the inspiration on his use of the icons. Thanks guys!
This is the final version of Neon Deluxe Arcade, it's completely rebuild from the ground up. The old theme was slow, I couldn't even run it in 4K but with this rebuild it runs even smoothly with 4K theme graphics. As the name suggests this is the 4:3 version of the theme, not all views are ported over from the 16:9 version (non of the horizontal views) but it has it's own unique views. I left out the scanlines overlay on the video's as I expect this to be running on 4:3 CRT's.
This theme looks the same in any DPI setting now but it's only for 4:3 views.
1. Download the theme here and place the folder in Launchbox/Themes/
2. You might need to unblock all the .DLL's in the plugin folder, I usually don't have to though.
3. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly:
- Uncheck all Background Images in launchbox/settings/image priorities
- Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings
- Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media)
- Defrag the drive that holds your media files
Hope you like and enjoy! ?
Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme, visit this page to see all my other work:
Huge Mame Marquee Collection including many in 4K resolution
By Mr. RetroLust in Arcade
I use the awesome Bigbox function to display marquees on a secondary monitor. For years I've been collecting high res Mame arcade marquees from all over the internet and since the start of this project got huge help from people in the community to expand this collection, please see the credits below. Not all marquees are in 4K but many are, I've down scaled the resolution to max 3840 pixels wide and max 2160 pixels high and saved all in .jpg format for a good size and quality balance. This project includes Naomi and Atomiswave marquees as well as other arcade systems.
These marquees go hand in hand with this bezel project:
I have forgotten where I got all marquees through the years but I know many came from the legendary @Mr. Do collection see: https://mrdo.mameworld.info/index.php and the many members that create artwork at: https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=
@ArsInvictus is certainly one of the providers as well. A huge thank you to @mOa and @JonnyModlin for providing many many marquees to this collection. Many lower resolution marquees came from the legendary team of AntoPisa at https://www.progettosnaps.net/
Also a huge thanks to the following people and sites: @PapaShine, @Dreamstate, @flanx, imbord3rlin3, @djweevil666, http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/, @THK, https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/, https://www.flyerfever.com/, https://www.recreativas.org/, Ken at https://www.flickr.com/photos/10707024@N04/, zzzaccaria.com, Hasan Tasdemir from Nationaal Video Game Museum for the opportunity to photograph at your amazing museum.
https://www.nationaalvideogamemuseum.nl, https://segaretro.org/, @seijurou and all the logo makers and artwork scanners and submitters for the LB database and other databases.
Hope you enjoy this collection.
Mr. RetroLust's Lights Out! Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner
Here's my collection of Lights Out! Realistic Retroarch bezels.
You can find other bezels that are part of my "Lights Out!" series over here:
Neo Geo v2 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System I 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System II 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Capcom Play System III 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Sega Naomi 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
Sammy Atomiswave 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
Mr. RetroLust's - Sammy Atomiswave 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 28 bezels
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Themes
Neon Deluxe Arcade - LaunchBox Theme
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
In a dark alley lit by black light and neon, an arcade resides; Neon Deluxe Arcade.
Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Badges
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)
Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
Huge Thanks to @Grila for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his codes for especially the left sidebar and more from his LBPlex Launchbox Theme. Also huge thanks to @Rincewind for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his code of the Rincewind Launchbox Theme for full screen background images. I couldn't have made it as it is without you guys! Thanks to @C-Beats for adding the steam achievements to the theme, and the code for clear logos! Thanks to @faeran for the tip about video background transparency and the coding for the play time tracker. @Retro808 for the filters code, thanks man!
More than I can mention, you just have to see it in action, one thing I can mention is that it features a bright green and slightly larger cache progress bar so you can't miss it when it's working to make a smooth experience
Extract folder "Neon Deluxe Arcade LB" to Launchbox/LBThemes. Open Launchbox, go to Tools/Options/(Leftside bar) Visuals/Choose the theme in the dropdown bar.
Tip: Tools/Options/Theme/Colors > Choose "Midnight Blue" for anything that was not possible to color change in Launchbox theming.
Important: This theme does not use fanart or platform backgrounds but a static 4K quality background, there are 7 backgrounds to choose from in the separate download, the image you want to display should be named "Background-01.jpg" and overwritten in \LBThemes\Neon Deluxe Arcade LB\Images. In order to get it working as you see in the screenshots please set your background settings to:
Hope you enjoy, have fun brothers!
Arcade 3D Boxes 2.0
By Mr. RetroLust in Arcade
Happy Christmas or Yule brothers!
Arcade 3D Boxes 2.0
Important: Press follow button in the upper right corner to get notified for any future updates to this project, future updates to this page will not be pushed to the "What's New" section.
I was inspired by the Mame 3D Boxes by @Robin55 and @Reevesad and the work by @spycat and @MadK9
At first I experimented to convert Robin's work to a darker color as it fits my dark colored setup better, one thing let to another and was helped enormously by @Robin55 in the process of automation and more, if it wasn't for all his help and work this project wouldn't have happened, thanks again so much brother! \m/
The 3D boxes are mostly for the Mame set (could include other emulators as well) but only includes Arcade video games, no pinball, fruit machines and such.
Covers based on official flyers, instruction flyers or fan art, customized official artwork and more. I've hunted down previously artwork missing from databases and/or very rare flyers, original resolution of these images can be low some times. Each box has a logo for the game, if it was missing I've hunted it down or extracted it from images (I upload these logos to the database as well) Each box has a logo of the company that either developed or published it (some flyers may have a different publisher from another region, bit confusing at times) Each box is manually color corrected, cleaned and optimized Some games have a second alternative version, made from cabinet side art, marquees or from a different region for example Please remember if you miss boxes to also check the naming convention of the file and if it is the same as the most recent version in the database. Any entry with "The" in front (Like The Astyanax) will be included in the QRST pack.
NOTE! : After installing the images you have to select all (or any alphabetical range) arcade games (CTRL+A = select all) go to Tools and click 'Refresh selected images', let it load and cache and the games should now display the right 3D boxes.
Hope you like
Thanks go out to anyone contributing and making art for the launchbox games database.
Thanks for any help, encouragement and advice:
@Robin55 @spycat @MadK9 @Reevesad @Jason Carr @Kondorito @zetec-s-joe @Fablog @andyco47 @mikty @PoloniumRain
Special thanks to:
@neil9000 and @Retro808 for those logistics \m/
Neon Deluxe Arcade - 16:9 (Big Box Theme)
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Themes
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section once updated in the future, if you want notifications for future updates be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
Huge thanks goes out to @y2guru for his Community Theme Creator Software and his endless personal help, also he created the animated wheels for this theme! @Hexxxer for the original inspiration of his FutureState theme. @Rincewind for the inspiration on his use of the icons. @faeranfor explaining the new marquee options in v12. Thanks guys!
1. Download the theme here and place the folder in Launchbox/Themes/
2. You might need to unblock the zip file or all the .DLL's in the plugin folder. Right click the zip or DLL files, choose properties and at the bottom you click "Unblock".
3. I recommend doing the following to speed up Big Box greatly:
- Uncheck all Background Images in Launchbox > Tools > Options > Media > Background Priorities
- Set all transitions to "None" in BigBox settings
- Use the Clean Up media tool in launchbox/tools/Clean Up Media... (this can really speed up lists with thousands of games and duplicate media)
- Defrag the drive that holds your media files
Hope you like and enjoy! ?
Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes and elements, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme, visit this page to see all my other work:
Arcade stick and buttons sound pack, sounds really good with this theme:
Full Dedicated Neo Geo Marquees
By Mr. RetroLust in SNK Neo Geo MVS
Full Dedicated Neo Geo Marquees
There where quite a few full size dedicated marquees made for Neo Geo aside from the mini-marquee layouts, there where even some dedicated cabinets as well like Samurai Shodown II, The Irritating Maze and SNK vs Capcom Chaos.
I wasn't able to restore all the full size Neo Geo marquees out there, the ones I couldn't are included in a folder as well.
Full size Marquees for 25 Neo Geo games Made from the highest quality artwork available I could find Cleaned up and color corrected artwork Including restored/remade/revived artwork Exclusive Day mode / Night Mode (unlit/lit) for every marquee Almost all marquees are Ultra HD Resolution; 3840 pixels wide, some are not All are named with 03 and 04 at the end of the rom name so you can use these with my other neo geo marquees. Credits @ArsInvictus & to those that made high quality scans, logo's or other artwork that I found and used to reconstruct the marquees, I don't take full credits of this project thereof.
Much thanks to @seijurou and @JonnyModlin
See the making of of this project: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/44355-coming-soon-neo-geo-marquees-v20/
Other Neo Geo Marquee work:
Neo Geo custom Dual layout
Neo Geo Mini-Marquee layout
Sega Naomi 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Sega Naomi 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
Excuse me for the bad quality video, my editing software really sucks (take that Pinnacle Studio 20, time to switch to better software), there is a clip in the video of Gun Survivor that freezes frame.
Please note: The bezel for 18 Wheeler is connected to "18wheelu" and Airline Pilots to "alpilotj" as the other roms didn't work for me for some reason. If for whatever reason you want to connect the bezels to other roms you'll have to rename the files and within the config files as well.
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 37 unique bezels
The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.
1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/Flycast" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the Flycast core.
2. Within this folder rename the following config file "Sega Naomi" to the name of the folder where your Sega Naomi games are stored. This file will automatically give all the Sega Naomi games without artwork a generic bezel.
3. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/Sega Naomi" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.
Done & Enjoy! \m/
Hasan Tasdemir from Nationaal Video Game Museum for the opportunity to photograph at your amazing museum.
Mr. RetroLust's Sega Naomi 2 3D Boxes
By Mr. RetroLust in Sega Naomi 2
13 Sega Naomi 2 3D Boxes. This idea was inspired by the custom Sega Naomi 3D boxes made by the late @Robin55 https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1244-sega-naomi-3d-boxes-with-discs-151-gd-rom-set/
The filenames used are the current names in the Database so you might have to rename some files. The box is slightly transparent just like a real clear DVD case in which these games where packaged, though the original packaging didn't came with artwork inlays so I tried to create something which could look as if it was designed as console packaging.
Mr. RetroLust's Sega Naomi 3D Boxes
By Mr. RetroLust in Sega Naomi
145 Sega Naomi 3D Boxes. This idea was inspired by the custom Sega Naomi 3D boxes made by the late @Robin55 https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1244-sega-naomi-3d-boxes-with-discs-151-gd-rom-set/
I also used flyers where possible, did some heavy searching to obtain the original flyers but sometimes they where just not available or too low of a quality so reconstructions where made or fan art was used/made. The filenames used are the current names in the Database so you might have to rename some files. The box is slightly transparent just like a real clear DVD case in which these games where packaged, though the original packaging didn't came with artwork inlays so I tried to create something which could look as if it was designed as console packaging.
Naomi GD-ROM logo used is made by @Dan Patrick see: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3402-v2-platform-logos-professionally-redrawn-official-versions-new-bigbox-defaults/
Arcade & Diner: 5.1 Surround Ambience
By Mr. RetroLust in Sound Packs
A completely different mix than the one posted yesterday it's composed and mixed in 5.1 Dolby Digital, out of 5 different one hour ambience recordings, each recording is slowly spinning 45 degrees within 5 minutes to either Front Left, Front Right, Surround Right, Surround Left or the Mid-speaker, but they even travel across the matrix in depth, sort of like 3D sound depth. This way the audio hopefully won't become repetitive as with most ambience recordings after a while. Can also be played on stereo systems although the surround effect will be less.
If you like to simulate an arcade setting, audio helps give it that extra dimension/mood. Just fire up the audio with your media player of choice and MAME-away
The file is an MKA file, the audio container format of well known MKV video container format. At least MPC-HC and VLC will be able to play it but other players may as well.
Hope you like!
p.s. It's also nice to play the 5.1 audio with your eyes closed, strangely it relaxes lol ?
Japanese Arcade Ambience in Stereo
By Mr. RetroLust in Sound Packs
I decided to make another arcade ambience audio file composed from different sources on the internet, this time in the Japanese Arcades in legendary Akihabara, prepare for some crowded and noisy arcades lol The sound quality varies at some points but overall it gives a nice impression.
You might also like the 5.1 surround mixes I made before: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1715-arcade-diner-51-surround-ambience/
The way I use these audio files is just start the file with a media player before I open BB and then start some nice arcade games, it does add to the experience for me, although it could be wise to adjust the volume slider of your media player so you have the game you play set louder than the ambience unless you just love total sound chaos around you lol
Have fun!
Marquee Generator for CTC
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Templates
These are CTC theme/template files you can use and modify to your heart's content to generate custom marquee images with the amazing Community Theme Creator. The results will depend to what media you have gathered for your games.
======HOW TO USE======
1. Download and Install CTC (Community Theme Creator) 2.5 or above: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/
2. Install the template to the "My Theme Projects" directory in the Community Theme Creator directory.
3. Select the template in CTC, click Modifier "View" and select "Custom images" most right icon underneath "Modifiers".
4. Click "Edit Custom Image" if you want to change anything.
5. Go to Menu > Render Custom Images > Uncheck! "Save Games Images using Database ID" if you like to use game titles as file names instead of database numbered file names.
6. Pick your render selection: "All Games", "All Games for Selected Platform" or "Selected Game"
7. Once rendered go to "\My Theme Projects\[name of template used]\Custom Images\Custom Images 1\Games" here you'll find the render results in their platform named directories.
8. To use these images as marquees in Big Box move the images to it's sub directories inside Launchbox\Images\[platform name]\Arcade - Marquee\
9. Enjoy! and don't forget to thank @y2guru for his amazing software that makes all of this possible.
Tip: CTC can only export in .png format which has a larger file size than .jpg. The marquees generated in 21:9 for example are around 5mb large each, if you need to save space on your disc you'll probably want to use an image batch converter to convert them to .jpg.
Mr. RetroLust's Arcade Stick Sound FX
By Mr. RetroLust in Sound Packs
Just had an idea to record my arcade's stick sounds, think it came out pretty nice.
Extract the folder inside the zipfile to "Launchbox/Sounds/" go to Big Box and select the sound pack in Options/Sounds
Back = Hold and let go of the arcade stick, sounding a bit like a plunger
Select = Arcade button press
Move = Microswitch arcade stick moving
Here's my stick lol:
Neo Geo v2 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Neo Geo v2 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
This is an upgrade to my previous Neo Geo bezels where I only used top or bottom strips, in this version I used as much instruction artwork from the mvs kits as I could possibly find including side art. Contains restored and translated artwork as well.
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
If you like these in Mame format go to: Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 152 unique bezels
The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.
1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo core.
2. Within this folder rename the following config file "SNK - Neo Geo" to the name of the folder where your NeoGeo games are stored. This file will automatically give all the NeoGeo games without artwork the generic bezel.
3. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/NeoGeov2" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.
Done & Enjoy! \m/
Mr.DO: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_ingame.php
NeoGeosoft: http://www.neogeosoft.com
Capcom Play System III 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Capcom Play System III 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
If you like these in Mame format go to: Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 6 unique bezels
The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.
1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/FB Alpha 2012" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the FB Alpha 2012 core.
2. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/CPS3" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.
Done & Enjoy! \m/
Mr.DO for most artwork: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/
Capcom Play System II 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Capcom Play System II 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
If you like these in Mame format go to: Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 1 Generic bezel for any game without artwork
- 36 unique bezels
The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.
1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/FB Alpha 2012" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the FB Alpha 2012 core.
2. Within this folder rename the following config file "Capcom Play System II" to the name of the folder where your Capcom Play System II games are stored. This file will automatically give all the Capcom Play System II games without artwork the generic bezel.
3. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/CPS2" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.
Done & Enjoy! \m/
Mr.DO for most artwork: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/
Capcom Play System I 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
By Mr. RetroLust in Platform Bezels/Overlays
Capcom Play System I 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels
This is part of the "Lights Out - Realistic Retroarch Bezels" series:
If you like these in Mame format go to: Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels
- All in 3840x2160 pixels for high detail
- 1 Generic bezel for any game without artwork
- 25 unique bezels
The following steps are for users of 3840x2160 displays only. This setup will save you countless hours adjusting them yourself, but be sure not to rename any files or folders and follow below instructions. IMPORTANT: If you use another resolution you'll have to manually adjust the position and size of the game screen yourself.
1. Place the contents in the folder "RetroArch/config/FB Alpha 2012" to the folder of the core that you use, as you can see I use the FB Alpha 2012 core.
2. Within this folder rename the following config file "Capcom Play System I" to the name of the folder where your Capcom Play System I games are stored. This file will automatically give all the Capcom Play System I games without artwork the generic bezel.
3. Place the contents from "RetroArch/overlays/_MR.RETROLUST/CPS1" to it's like named structure within RetroArch.
Done & Enjoy! \m/
Mr.DO for most artwork: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/
@Orionsangel for helping out with the Forgotten World bezel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG1g7PE9yzd4MboQQa9OYWA
Neon Deluxe Arcade Badges
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Badges
Here's some badges to fit the theme. Overwrite the images in launchbox/images/badges.
Thanks to @narnz for making the follwing badges: EpicGames, GOG, Origin, Steam, Uplay, uplay-app, Xbox
Realistic Marquee Monitor FX
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Themes
Realistic Marquee Monitor FX
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
Part of the Neon Deluxe Arcade series but this can be used for any theme to spice up your marquee monitor
The FX are composed of different layers of scratched plexi glass, reflection, light and other grungy and dusty layers to get as close to realism as possible, see in the video below how it's been composed.
Installation, please note this was made for use with a 21:9 ultra wide monitor, other aspect ratios might not look as on screenshots.
1. Place folder '_Realistic Marquee FX' in 'Launchbox\Themes'
2. Within the _Realistic Marquee FX folder are 4 images
1. Realistic Marquee FX - With Marquee holder & Plexi FX.
2. Realistic Marquee FX Only Plexi - Without the Marquee holder, only Plexi FX.
3. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - With Marquee holder & Plexi FX.
4. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle Only Plexi - Only Plexi FX.
3. Choose the style XAML file you want:
Full FX
a. Realistic Marquee FX - Complete: With Marquee holder, Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.
b. Realistic Marquee FX - Sans Filler: With Marquee holder & Plexi FX but Without Magic Screen Filler.
c. Realistic Marquee FX - Plexi FX & Filler - Without Marquee holder, With Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.
d. Realistic Marquee FX - Plexi FX only: With Plexi FX but without Magic Screen Filler and Marquee Holder.
Subtle FX
e. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Complete: With Marquee holder, Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.
f. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Sans Filler: With Marquee holder & Plexi FX but Without Magic Screen Filler.
g. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Plexi FX & Filler - Without Marquee holder, With Plexi FX and Magic Screen Filler.
h. Realistic Marquee FX Subtle - Plexi FX only: With Plexi FX but without Magic Screen Filler and Marquee Holder.
4. Pick the style you like and overwrite the GameMarqueeView.xaml file in the 'your theme of choice/Views' folder, might be a good idea to back up the file first however.
Additional note: If you see gaps at the sides of the marquee you'll have to adjust the margins, the current margins work for 21:9 displays but on other aspect ratios it needs adjustments. Open up the GameMarqueeView.xaml with a notepad editor and check for "Margin="100,70,100,70", change the values of 100 to a lower or higher number.
Enjoy and have fun! ?
Mr. RetroLust
Mr. RetroLust's Marquee Screen Filler Magic
By Mr. RetroLust in Custom Themes
Mr. RetroLust's Marquee Screen Filler Magic
This is for those that like to fill the surrounding empty (black) space of their Marquee screens while maintaining the original Marquee's aspect ratio, what these replacement .xaml files do is duplicate the marquee with a blur effect on the background while the original marquee has a drop shadow, a technique often seen on TV when dealing with Vertical Video Syndrome material (a terrible disease btw, but that's another topic)
Go to the theme folder of your choice: Launchbox\Themes\*name of the theme*\Views
note: If you use the default Big Box theme first copy and paste the default theme folder and name it anything you like, it's important to do this as the default theme will always overwrite any changes you make in that folder.
Backup the following files! In case you want to revert back to these Marquee files: GameMarqueeView.xaml and PlatformMarqueeView.xaml
Extract the .xaml files in the zipfile to this folder, start BigBox and see the magic unfold
Have fun.
(Screenshots taken from a 21:9 marquee monitor)
Check out the follow up on this here:
Mame PCB's (Circuit Boards) with transparent background
By Mr. RetroLust in Arcade
The title is self-explanatory, it doesn't contain PCB's for every game but quite a lot still -> almost 3000 images including PCB's of devices and such. I grabbed the PCB packs floating around the internet and removed all the backgrounds.
This might look nice in our Big Box collections when checked under image priorities for Cart Front, see:
See the transparent background PCB's in action in this new view of the Neon Deluxe Arcade Big Box Theme:
Neon Deluxe Arcade (Inside) - Startup Theme
By Mr. RetroLust in Startup Themes
Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
An alternative to the "Street" startup theme.
Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)
Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)
Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
This Startup theme does not use fanart backgrounds but one static image in 4K quality.
1. The left side has been bound to "Box3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
2. The right side has been bound to "Cart3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
3. On the left side covering the 3DBox is bound to "CartFrontImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
4. Game logo in Top Center
Unpack the folder in: LAUNCHBOX\StartupThemes, go to startup settings and choose the title of this theme.
If you like the startup theme to last longer on your screen, simply delay it to 5 seconds in the launchbox and/or bigbox settings.
Enjoy! ?