About This File
Hi guys,
I made a new version of PackMyGame, based on wpf/.net Core 3.1 instead of forms/.net framework ...
1) What's new
This new version bears the possibility to unpack games, extract platforms to reinject later, don't have paths into the xml extracted, check links validity, md5 file calculation. Unpack need a new file, generated by PackMyGame, 'DPGame.json', but you can generate a new:
- By pack if you have always your game into LaunchBox.
- By the old xml files (TBGame, EBGame) with Unpack.
This DPGame.json file allows also to change, place default files... except for Additionnal Application and the main, there is a lot of modification with LaunchBox, i prefere that the user changes it into LaunchBox.
Both are now portable, new config file is created at the root. Both use relative links for LaunchBoxPath and the working folder... You could let it on an external hard drive.
Read the wiki to discover all the other things that changed since the last version.
2) Description
PackMyGame allow to pack your games into folders, zip or 7zip archives. If you need to keep a backup of them, even more if you translated descriptions of your games, you could keep it in a sure place with this application.
It's available in English and French, PackMyGame use now a xml file to translate, you could easy make your own translation, put it in the Languages folder, it will be recognize
3) Version
- Pack-My-Game: v2.0.2.0 (beta)
- UnpackMyGame
4) Links
Because there is a lot of modifications, bugfixes since the last version i made a wiki on my github, i will try to let the best explanations on it.
Don't hesitate to signal any bug, there is a log system, it will help to improve the application (if you are french, write to me in french ^^)
5) Some words...
- I tested a lot Pack and Unpack, 3 months for pack and 1 month since i changed all the core for Unpack. I tried to place some securities to avoid bad manipulations, but it still to be a beta there is probably some (minor i hope) bugs to remove.
- I'm sick, this why sometimes i can't make update, i will not die but i have a genetical dicease that make my days very difficult during months. This is why i couldn't make any update during months, i couldn't understand my own code because i was to tired. I apologize for that.
- Pack and Unpack use a common library i wrote, the same used in SappPasRoot... Step by step i will accelerate and reduce verbose, and put a parameter in config file to change the verbose mode for the user.
- You need the 7z NATIVE dll to use 7z compression, it must be copie in x86 or x64 folder according of your version.
Edited by Axenn
What's New in Version See changelog
- Bugfix: PackMeRes encountered an error when cheat folder was not set. Security to check if folder exists before.
- Bugfix: several
- Translation core implanted.
- Old translation system removed
- Bugfix: packmeres, starting folder stayed in relative link if provider gave a relative link; conversion in hardlink now.
- ArchiveName follow directory name, there was an error before.
- Window signal if archive exists and give choice to trash or delete, destination
- Modifications of the files search algorithms
* Setting up securities for the research on images directory
* Setting up securities for "predict" files research
* All medias with the id key is accepted, instead of have title-key.extension structure
- Setting up a new window to preview files that will be copy
* Setting up system to find more files
* Images are now supported with a visual list to see thumbnails
* Two list are availables for each category, the files already found by previous algorithms and files found by your keywords.
* Research can be controled by 3 gestures, ctrl+f to reset textbos and give focus, ctrl+g to launch research, ctrl+R to reset keywords, With enter you add keywords.
* Little core on research removes useless word on title to keep only the most important words (like of, in, the, le, la, les, no for japan)
- Bugfix: PackMeRes, open tmp folder could not open the directory because of a comma in the path.
- Bugfix: PackMeRes, open cheat code with the embedded editor.
- Feature: 3 Gestures to control research.