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5 Screenshots

About This File

For a long time, I thought it would be great to have quality arcade cabinet images for my favorite frontend, Launchbox.  What else, lol?  I think that the artwork and images of these cabinets should be preserved. These have transparent backgrounds to maximize their use in themes, especially now that we have the wonderful Community Theme Creator (Thanks y2guru!).  These cabinets have been resized & cleaned up, where feasible.   I will upload the higher resolution copies of these to an FTP.  They can be added to the Launchbox database if someone feels up to doing it. This is YEARS in the making, so I hope you enjoy.

I originally strived for accuracy, as far as region goes.  I could not determine if the some of the U.S. cabinets were the same in other regions.  So, I kind of gave up in the middle.  You may have to copy/rename some to your liking.  I was going to spend more time going through them but at this point I thought I would just share them.  I'm a little burned out at this point anyway.

If you would like to help out to make this project continue/better, I could use the following:

  - finding images on the net or if you live close to an arcade or go to shows you can take high-resolution shots (the higher the better).  If you can take super high-resolution images that would be perfect.   Full cabinet at an angle, not partial or blocked (minimum 1600 pixels high, preferably much higher). Additionally, straight on shots can be added also.  You can see what I'm looking for by checking out the images in the packs.  Maybe you have friends at KLOV or other forums and can get them to take pictures.  

  - Cleaning & cutting out images. Quality cutouts and cleaning only.  I'm trying to create the ultimate reference for these cabinets.

  - Identifying region.  Anyone with knowledge of the cabinets.  It would come in handy.

  - Errors.  See something wrong.  I forgot something.  

  - Thoughts.  I would love feedback.  Do you like the sizing?  Should they be bigger?  Smaller?  Ideas to make this project better?

  - Thoughts on making a thread on one of the forums so people can upload their images?  Maybe a forum category?


Teknoparrot, Dice & Daphne packs on the way......

I have high resolution control panel packs just about ready for release. They look great.  I'm going to release them at 1200 pixels wide.  Thoughts on size?  If you are taking pictures, take a bunch of the control panels straight on at different heights.  Side art also.  

Feel free to PM me.

I hope you like them.

Tony (AKA Antny)

Edited by Antny

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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User Feedback

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Another legendary and impressive undertaking and result by Antny; very clean and integrates well with Pause themes that display cabinets (Hands-On Pause Theme is a great showcase for this awesome work). Absolutely worth downloading.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Hell yea! These are sweet!

Mr. RetroLust

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Amazing work as always! 🤘🕹️

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