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3 Screenshots

About This File

2D Front Box Art for Zaccaria Pinball.  I have them set as Box - Front - I put these together using the Clear Logos found on the site, and the different boxes came from an Internet Google search - I just put em together.

Edited by denmiclaw
Left out Pinball in the title

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These are pretty nice alternative to the docklet images that are floating around. Rated 4 out of 5 just because it appears you only have 3 backgrounds in use and not game specific backgrounds for each image. Overall though they are definitely serviceable and could see using them for my Vpin collection.

Response from the author:

Thanks :)  I know they're not the greatest.

There's 6 different background images, based on the table type.  Electro Mechanical, Retro, Deluxe, Regular, Remake and Solid State.  I'd of loved to do individual ones, but there's a real lack or images for these tables, and I don't have much skill to create my own from scratch.

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