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3 Screenshots

About This File

Converted from .psd to .ocf for use with GIMP.


  • GIMP (free image editor)
  • Basic image editing skills (no tutorial)


  1. Scale image to 940px (height).
  2. Add as new layer under Cover group.
  3. Align cover to top and bottom of spine.
  4. Use Unified Transform Tool to snap corners to the guidelines.
  5. (optional) Use the Cover Features (icon/ratings/logos) if the cover does not already have them. 


  1. Create new text layer (Text Tool) under Spine group (font = Mark Pro Bold, size = 20px).
  2. Rotate text to 90-degrees (Rotate Tool).
  3. Snap to spine text guideline.
  4. Use spine logo for specific game.


  • You can watch the original Photoshop video here. Not too hard to figure out.
  • GIMP 2.10 (stable) does not support non-destructive text editing yet, but it is an upcoming feature for 2.99.18 (dev). You need to create a new text layer every time you want to change the text content.

The outcome is very similar to this collection:


Many thanks to @damageinc86 for providing the original .psd file.

Edited by k_rollo
Add requirements.

What's New in Version 1.3   See changelog


Changed primary screenshot.

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· Edited by Lahrs

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Everything is in the right place to make quick (relative to skill) Switch cases. Definitely utilize the layers and you shouldn't have any issues.
I'm not sure about Launchbox's rules on posting YouTube links, but most videos explaining how to use layers should get you going.

I personally prefer making 2 or 2.5D box art, but I wanted to check the file out and see how it well it works if someone else is interested.

  • Thanks 1

   0 of 2 members found this review helpful 0 / 2 members

Instructions make zero sense unless you know how to use GIMP already. Photoshop tutorial is for photoshop. Written instructions are vague. This would be great if someone put the effort into making a video tutorial for using GIMP. Until then, it may not be of help to those without graphic design skills.

Response from the author:

This was meant for people who knew how to use GIMP already. It would make 0 sense for someone with 0 graphic design skills such as yourself. It would be great if you put the effort to know what a layer is. Until then, your incompetence is your fault.

By the way, I also never used GIMP or Photoshop before but managed to do it using the same video with a bit of common sense. No one can make a video tutorial that can magically give you that.

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