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Backgrounds for playlists (286+), platforms and platform categories for faeran's VisioN theme 1.5.0

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40 Screenshots

About This File

Here are the backgrounds I used to customize @faeran's beautiful VisioN theme !

It mainly features backgrounds for playlists, but also a few for platforms and platform categories.

Most of the backgrounds relate to 286 game collections (285+NSFW).
Some are taken directly from faeran's theme, but the vast majority are new, with the occasional alternative version (file name followed by one or more +), and as far as possible directly related to the games in question.
All are cropped for the “platform wheel 1” display of faeran's VisioN theme on a 16/9 screen (once again, thanks to him for his themes and this one in particular) .
The backgrounds are not, for the most part, in 4k but are of sufficient quality for this type of display.

The preview screenshots show them and the logos I used with the theme (screenshots on 16/9 4K screen, unretouched).

I've also added the corresponding logos to the archive.

What's inside : 646 backgrounds + 364 logos !

- 551 playlist backgrounds grouped into 286 game collections and 20 arcade playlists + 306 logos

- 76 platform backgrounds for 49 platforms + 49 logos

- 19 category backgrounds for 9 categories (in the broadest sense, also includes "Favorite Games", "Recently Played"...) + 9 logos

I hope you'll like it !

All platform logos are from @RetroHumanoid's Refried Theme Platform Logo Set, as well as a few logos for the collections.
Some platform category logos also come from his Retro Neon Platform Category Logo Set.
I hope he doesn't mind. If he wishes, I can of course remove the logos concerned from the archive, which is simply a copy of the custom theme I use.
Also a big thank you to him for his work !

Edited by JaredN

What's New in Version 1.5.0   See changelog


- Added 1 game collection (Go Go Ackman) for a total of 286 (285+NSFW) !
- Added variants for some game collections (Hot Wheels, Virtua Tennis... ), game platforms (ScummVM) and platform categories (Computers, Consoles, Handhelds).

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