About This File
View MAME DATs for games using MAME ROMs.
Works across platforms (Arcade, Sega Model 3...) and emulators (MAME, Demul...).
DAT - A file that stores specific information [data].
MAME uses Dat files to display extra information about its systems. (see The DAT Files below)
Inspired from MAME's built in feature in the main UI and via their in-game Tab menu to view game specific initialization procedures (LaunchBox only), commands and history (LaunchBox only).
This plugin combines my 3 other DAT Viewer plugins into a one-stop-shop.
⦁ View game specific commands from MAME's command.dat
⦁ MAME History.xml Viewer
⦁ MAME gameinit.dll Viewer
Why this plugin? Why now?
When I created the 1st one for command.dat, I didn't fathom creating any more. Same thing happened after creating the 2nd one for history.xml. It wasn't until after creating the gameinit.dll viewer that I realized I should have combined them all into one plugin. So here we are.
Why use this one instead of the other 3?
- If you use at least 2 of the other plugins, you may consider using this one instead. Especially if one of them is the command.dat viewer. The original plugin doesn't provide the update feature this one has.
- All 3 Dat files are contained with this plugins folder. So no need to set them up in MAME (or MAMEUI).
- This plugin uses LaunchBox's multi-menu feature, making a cleaner look when right-clicking a game.
- It's just one plugin that LaunchBox has to load instead of [up to] three.
Important note if switching from the other plugin(s) to this one:
If you are switching from one (or more) of the other plugins to this one, remove the other plugin(s) from your LaunchBox installation!
It won't break anything to have all 4 installed. But will create excess duplicative processing.
- The 3 Dat files are included with the plugin. No need to download them separately or include them with your MAME installation.
- Option to update to the latest DATs as they become available. (See Updating)
Choose which DATs to have available. (Remove or add on-the-fly. No restart required)
- (Updating and re-adding requires an internet connection)
- Option to have to always have the DAT Viewer window open full screen
- Badges are displayed for games that have initialization procedures and/or commands. (See Badges below for enabling them)
- Option to temporarily disable the plugin and badges (See Settings)
Plugin Requirements:
- LaunchBox 13.3 or higher
This plugin file (MAMEdatsViewer.dll)
- (The download includes all 3 DAT files to get you started)
Download and then open the zip file using 7zip.
- If you don't use 7zip, first unblock the zip file (Right click, select Properties, and click Unblock) then open it as you normally would.
Extract the main folder from inside the zip file into ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\
- i.e. D:\LaunchBox\Plugins\MAMEdatsViewer\
- Start LaunchBox
How to Use:
- Right-click on a game
- Select MAME DATs Viewer
- Select an available option from the submenu(s)
- Select MAME commands from the Games View menu
Settings: (LaunchBox only)
Tools < View MAME DATs - Settings
All 3 DATS will be listed and will each show:
- if the local file exists
- the local files' version (if exists)
- the current available version available to download
three buttons (depending on the local files' status)
- Remove
- Add (requires an internet connection)
- Update (requires an internet connection)
(Option) Full Screen: Check the box to have the DAT Viewer window always open full screen.
(Option) Temporarily Disable Plugin: Checking this will remove the plugin from the games right-click menu and will also disable the plugin badges. It will stay disabled until it’s unchecked or LaunchBox is restarted.
Badges: (LaunchBox only)
A history badge is not included because pretty much all (if not all) MAME ROMs will have some sort of history entry.
A badge will be displayed if there is an entry in gameinit.dat for that game.
A badge will be displayed if there is an entry in commands.dat for that game.
To enable the badge(s), click
- Badges,
Plugin Badges,
- MAME Gameinit,
- MAME Commands.
The Badge image can be changed by replacing the image(s)
Updating: (LaunchBox only)
(Requires an internet connection)
2 options:
When loading the plugin by right clicking a game, it will check the local version of the selected DAT against what's available online
- If a newer version is available, you will be given the option to Update the local copy.
- Updating will attempt to download and then replace the existing file.
Tools < View MAME DATs – Settings
- Here you can check/update all 3 DATs
The DAT Files:
Courtesy of: https://www.progettosnaps.net/command/
Lists the various commands of many arcade games.
Shows controller command sequences used to make special moves in games.
gameinit.dat (LaunchBox only)
Courtesy of: https://www.progettosnaps.net/gameinit/
Shows information on how to run tricky systems.
This file lists the initialization procedures of some games emulated by MAME.
(Not all MAME games require any initial setup to run, but some do.)
history.xml (LaunchBox only)
Courtesy of: https://www.arcade-history.com/index.php?page=download
Contains game information, trivia, facts and tips on the arcade systems supported by MAME.
Navigating the DAT window:
Use Ctrl+Mouse-Wheel to change the font size
Escape (or click the red X) to close
Left-Joy or d-pad to scroll
Right-Joy for page up/down
"Back" to close
As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, comments and accolades are welcome. 😎
See all my plugins here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/profile/102158-joeviking245/content/?type=downloads_file
What's New in Version 1.1.0 See changelog
Fixed: History.xml not indicating an update is available
New Feature: Now lets you know if a plugin update is available to download (visible in LaunchBox only)