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  1. Same problem here, your not alone
  2. That's a smart move Neil9000, might try that instead of the Ram as it cost nothing but Time to try And Cheers for the link to do it
  3. Since LaunchBox isnt really "installed" but Located, best would be to put it on a internal sata hdd 2tb / 3tb, and add as much RAM as possible, i have a Ryzen 3 2250g, M2.ssd-240g, 8gb ram, and now a GTX-1050, with LaunchBox on the D drive (normal 2tb sata6) I am going to up the ram to 16gb or 24g, if you want to cache the images faster, as for anything else the 8gb of ram was fine
  4. There are CHD's and CHD's isnt there ? One is the video file for Mame The Other is a DreamCast Format I think he want to shrink his Arcade - Mame which uses chd's from memory they are Zipped, or do you want to use a higher compression, like WinRar or 7z, not sure what cores do what in RetroArch, but in old Mame32UI it only supported .zip On the DreamCast side, i just bought Redream and for $5 fully worth it, it looks amazing on the Big TV, and supports chd's
  5. The NUC is missing something ??
  6. DirectX9, Vredist, VB Runfiles, could be many things
  7. I Attached the Core for you in the post above
  8. Dolphin Core from RetroArch 1.7.3 Updated Attached Cores.rar
  9. So its just the Dolphin Libretro dll you need ?
  10. Weird, maybe re-download RetroArch, then try Dolphin core very strange
  11. How have you guys got yours Set-up, as i can move anything to different folders or to another hdd, and not change any path's I don't use RocketLauncher, just LaunchBox and RetroArch, and its fully Portable
  12. While in RetroArch on the Portable setup re-download the core/s, Quick check to see what loads/runs is to Drop the rom/game into RetroArch, best not to be in Fullscreen for this
  13. I use 2 set of rom collection's a waste of space, but easy for me, One Folder has just Rom per System, the other set has Roms in Named Folder and Artwork in Folders, depends on what i am make its easy for me this way
  14. Are there any rom's in the folder, as in do you have the right folder, another thing, are they the right format ?
  15. How can one still make the mistake of: Not turning it off then on again, glad it was just a hiccup
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