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Everything posted by Anther

  1. AHA! I see them now - I was expecting the file names to say Mega Drive and Mega CD. Amazing. Thank you again
  2. That's great news! Apologies for missing it I downloaded the large full set folder.
  3. This is genuinely jaw-dropping. So very impressive. I've had a quick flick through already and have been floored by what I saw. I have a question if I may: Did you draw Mega-Drive and Mega-CD? In my quick look through I could only find Genesis and Sega-CD. Hardly the end of the world if you did not - your work is remarkable - but as a UK guy I like my consoles to be named the way I remember them Take a well earned rest! This set must have driven you crazy! Thank you for sharing it with those of us who love retro gaming so very much.
  4. Thank you for your help folks. I did manage to get some games running. neil9000 helpfully pointed out to me that I am running an ancient set. So with his help I have grabbed something more modern, and am going to have a go at upgrading it to the latest and greatest this evening. Wish me luck! Thanks again for your suggestions!
  5. Tried that. Still nothing. I think I will try to get hold of a modern romset. Perhaps that is my problem. You have been an enormous help neil9000. Thank you for your time. Also, this program really is fantastically laid out. You've all made something complicated a lot easier to do. I've been having a great time with BigBox and it's theming. When I finally work MAME out I may have a party..
  6. Well, re-importing did indeed work. How strange. Sadly that is only part of the problem it seems. Now I have a lovely list of games, but clicking on them doesn't load them. I've tried the latest MAME and also the one that correctly fits this ROM set. I imagine this is going to be quite the rabbit hole. Thank you very much for fixing that particular problem for me though. Most appreciated!
  7. Yes on both counts.
  8. It certainly did import everything. I have many GBs of videos and artwork in their various folders. And yes, when I click to it, it switches and says Platform Category: Arcade at the top of the screen, but no games show. I have changed all of the viewing options to make sure nothing is hidden, but no good. If it helps, when I click manage platforms in the options, it looks like this.
  9. I did leave it as Arcade, yes. I do have an arcade category - it is just empty.
  10. Thank you for your detailed reply. It seems that I have a lot to learn! So my best bet would be to find the 0.201 rom set.
  11. You say you had to re-import. Did it work the second time? What did you do differently?
  12. Hello all! This is my first post to the forums. I'm loving Launchbox so far, and have paid for a licence. I have managed to set up SNES, Genesis and a few other consoles so far, but have come unstuck on MAME. Here's what I have done: I installed the latest version of MAME. I downloaded the: MAME 2003 Reference Set: MAME 0.78 ROMs, CHDs, and Samples from Archive.org I used the new option: Import MAME arcade full set in Launchbox. I went through the various options, using the same process as ETA Prime, also adding my EmuMovies account for Snaps Then I waited. A very long time indeed (I think it took around 12 hours to grab all the videos and metadata and such). That brings me to today. Having finally completed - and with no errors - Launchbox shows no games in the arcade tab. In fact, no matter what I hide/unhide, they are nowhere to be found. I wonder if any of you knowledgable folks can help? I'm clearly doing something completely wrong. Thank you for your time!
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