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Everything posted by actioncomics

  1. Thanks for the input. I am not really seeing alot of features worth updating myself either. I think i will cut down to 1-2 times a year, that way i am not to far behind.
  2. Need some advice....or better yet, I would just like to hear other's opinions. When to stop downloading mame? I download mame every month a new release comes out. This is starting to get a bit much. When would you stop and say "I will stick with this for a while"? Is there a previous version that is reliably stable? Is there an up coming release that will have a ton of new features? Or does it really matter and I just stop with the version i have now. This doesn't mean I won't update in the future? but to be honest I would like to spend time finalizing my build, instead of spending that time updating to the latest and greatest. Same question could apply to Launchbox, but mostly curious what other people did with Mame. Thanks for any advice. AC
  3. Thanks, that's exactly what was happening....my error.
  4. I tried searching for this but it is a difficult to narrow down the results. Can someone answer why Launchbox is renaming rom files with "-1" on the end when I import them? It breaks the emulators seeing the rom file or the parent rom.
  5. I am using the default settings and North America as region. Since you have 2852, I think i am close. I knew 1500 games was way off so i probably just made a mistake on my end. thanks for the reply.
  6. I have imported a complete mame set using the full set wizard. First time i only ended up with around 1500 games and was missing several of my favorites. I have tried it a second time and the specific favorite ones are now there and i have 2589 games. Can anyone give me a count of the games imported using the default Full Set Wizard settings? Just want to double check my count. thanks
  7. Found it. that was a little harder than I thought it would be. Everyone kept saying it is in your "ini" file...but i couldn't find it. The location is in the "plugin.ini" file. change the hiscore from 0 to 1
  8. I have downloaded 10.12 and registered with the game database site. Is there a trick to getting the high scores to show up? I have played a game that says it is compatible with saving my high score, but it doesn't appear to be saved. I have never tried to save a high score in mame, so i might be missing something in the set up.
  9. I am trying to import PopCap games into Launchbox, but can't figure out how. The Windows Games import doesn't work for it and neither does the GOG import Wizard. I don't see a way to import a single game either. I am trying to keep this portable so i can't put shortcuts in my windows start menu. Any ideas?
  10. I tried to mass update/download media for several titles using "Download Metadata and Media..." tool. Not sure if i am doing it wrong, or if it isn't working. I can download 1 title at a time using the "edit" command. But when trying to mass edit them, it doesn't seem to be working. Anyone else having an issue with it?
  11. Got delayed in responding...I will try the mame feature you mentioned, I didn't know that was there. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. I was wondering if anyone can tell me the proper way to update romsets in launchbox. For example if I download a full set and don't know exactly what has been updated/added...is there a way to update the set in Launchbox without manually looking at each file? Or, would it be better if I learn how to use the other 3rd party tools to compare romsets. I know launchbox won't install duplicates, but if that duplicate has been updated, then i would want it copied over. Keep in mind, I have never used the mame dat files in the past, I have always just imported in a full set. I am hoping that launchbox can do this so i can avoid this step.
  13. My playlists are a mess. Is there an easy way to delete them all and start over from scratch? With the new update, I want to start using the nested lists.
  14. Thanks! Excellent theme.
  15. Can someone identify the theme at 0:50? I would like to check it out and try it.
  16. Thanks LordMonkus
  17. Fairly new to Launchbox, can someone tell me what files are essential to backup? or should i just backup everything? Wanting to try out the beta.
  18. Thanks for the info, sounds like No-Intro and Redump are good starting points.
  19. When last i looked into emulation there were no sets. It was just game dumps and that was it (showing my age, I know). What I am wondering is about the different sets that are out there. I have seen different ones like tosec, nointro and nongood(I think). I have seen different descriptions on each so i think I understand them. But I am having trouble deciding which to get. What i am looking for is all US based games. But then there are alot of games that aren't released in US that I would also like to try...final fantasy series for example. Is there a set that covers this as complete as possible?
  20. you have to figure out what your monitor is...but I did this just by trial and error. for a triple monitor set up, monitor numbers start with 0 (primary), 1 (secondary), 2 (third). below is what I did to make it work for me.
  21. Adding it to the ini file worked. thanks
  22. is it added here on this screen? if so, can you tell me what the command would be? maybe just add "-screen \\DISPLAY1"? thanks
  23. There are so many options in this program, I keep stumbling across things just as I think i have it figured out. Glad I didn't have to start over. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and for the tip about the media.
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