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Community Answers

  1. Well, I guess I can just print the INI file from Mame and do them one by one. Thanks though!
  2. Ok, I fixed it easy, just pointed Mame to use the installation I have been using before I added Arcade. All is well.
  3. My normal MAME has a different control scheme, such as the left and right thump stick deposit quarters and start, LB doesn't do that, it uses select and start. There is no Mame.ini in the MAME that is installed in the LB folder that I can overwrite. How can I fix this, please?
  4. What poll? I would love to see this poll what wanted every crap game launcher. And is that a threat?
  5. I am sure most users do NOT want it in the program, mister ape. Make a poll.
  6. Who wants those in their setup?
  7. I didn't log into any of these, this is disturbing.
  8. So they will not show up under import than?
  9. Why are these even here. This for my emulation. Can I hide these? Thanks.
  10. Just added the Streets of Rage 2/Shredders Re-Revenge Hack (You really need to check it out!) But when I try to launch using the Retroarch geneisispus_gx liberto core in LB nothing happens. If I manually use Retroarch to find it and load, it's fine. Any idea how I can make it behave? Thanks fellas.
  11. I just noticed I can make a new playlist. What would you suggest I do, make a giant set of playlists of all consoles but just NA?
  12. Thanks, is there any way to just add a filter in the platform section?
  13. I have a rom set and they have a lot of overseas roms that I would rather not be included (remember the mahjong post?) Not trying to be xenophobic, but so many of these are very strange. Thanks if you can help.
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