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File Comments posted by SiriusVI

  1. 9 minutes ago, SiriusVI said:

    Just a quick info. the new Version of your importer gives me a warning that My Flashpoint Version is not 10.1, even though I downloaded 10.1. I don't know why this occurs. When I start Flashpoint it clearly says it's 10.1. I didn't use the updater tool, I completely redownloaded 10.1 and replaced 10.0.

    The import process seems to have worked anyway.

    Also, I have a suggestion for future updates. Sometimes new Flashpoint releases don't have the same Playlists as the old ones, e.g. "Flashpoint Hall of Fame" and "Flashpoint Super Hall of Fame". It would be great if you plugin automatically removed the older playlists otherwise users must compare which playlists are still there and which must be deleted.


  2. Just a quick info. the new Version of your importer gives me a warning that My Flashpoint Version is not 10.1, even though I downloaded 10.1. I don't know why this occurs. When I start Flashpoint it clearly says it's 10.1. I didn't use the updater tool, I completely redownloaded 10.1 and replaced 10.0.

    The import process seems to have worked anyway.

  3. Hey @Mr. RetroLust I've been testing out some shaders recently and have noticed that the screens for your amazing overlays in most cases don't work well with integer scale in retroarch enabled. However, integer scale is needed for many shaders to work properly (when scanlines or dots are used). This is especially noticeable in some handheld systems. Whereas your GB and GBC bezels do work with integer scaling, GBA does not. 5x5 is too large and 4x4 is too small for your bezel. I've found other GBA bezels that work with integer scaling, but these do not nearly look as good as your bezels.

    Are there any plans to update the bezels so that they fit an integer scale in the future?

  4. 11 minutes ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Thanks glad you like, I don't have a link atm but do a search on video scaling in retroarch and you'll find it.

    Yeah they are absolutely amazing. I know how to change the settings in retroarch. I was just wondering if there is a tutorial on what exact values I need for, say bsnes, so the game screen fits the bezel. I can do it myself, but think it would be great if.people knew which settings they need instead of figuring that out on your own.

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