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Community Answers

  1. Same here. Running the paid version. Zero issues. However, can be a little tricky at first to configure...
  2. I am using an Ultimarc Ultimate I/O. If you are looking for the buttons to light up for each game accordingly and even announce their function, you will need LEDBlinky. The board itself does not handle this function.
  3. While I am not sure myself maybe one of these threads can help. mame configure spinner site:forums.launchbox-app.com - Google Search
  4. I'm sure to get some flack due to the Arcade1Up cabinet but wanted to share my build for others that are on a lesser budget, want to do it in stages but have the option to upgrade while still keeping most of your hardware investment. I still have a few things left to do (coin doors, 20" monitor)... Current Build: Dell PC running LB, LEDBlinky, various emulators Custom Control Deck Ultimarc: Ultimate I/O, (2) U360 w/stiffer springs, longer shafts, and servo motors, Gold Leaf buttons Groovey Game Gear: TurboTwist2, heavier knob, 7-inch steering wheel Dedicated power supply, LED lights in cabinet, various other stuff...
  5. This? SmokeyMcGames User Profile | DeviantArt
  6. Network Engineer/Director so did all the basics. Figured it out though. Was a device in the Device Manager that had a triangle with an explanation point. I deleted it, rescanned for hardware changes, rebooted and poof all is working again. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  7. I finally had my cabinet fully configured for about 2 weeks and have been playing games every evening. Except today turn the system on and the Ultimarc Ultimate I/O is dead. None of the button's work, the Ultimarc Software says no board installed. Ultimarc support is out till Oct 31st. Seriously bummed...
  8. Just thought it was interesting and not sure if it had been shared before...
  9. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. But except for the coin and player 1 buttons nothing else lights up indicating what buttons to use/are associated with any one game. I must be missing something...
  10. Using this controller with their Leaf RGB buttons and track ball. When starting up player 1 buttons start up with a specific color. Because the track ball is plugged in to the player 1 side of the Ultimate I/O is lights up the same color(s) as the player 1 buttons. As it gets to the player 2 outputs those buttons light up a different color. I am trying to visually balance the deck and was hoping there was a way to allow the track ball to light up independently of player 1 or 2 colors using a 3rd color. Hope that made some sense...
  11. Found this: Wake PC from sleep with IPAC (arcadecontrols.com)
  12. Well, they say there are no dumb questions, but I feel awfully dumb at the moment... Running LaunchBox, Mame, & LEDBlinky. I have downloaded the colors.ini file but have no clue where the file is supposed to go? LEDBlinky folder, MAME folder, MAME INI folder? Not sure why I can't figure this out. Maybe it's just a Monday thing...
  13. My current LB PC is nothing special and probably should be updated. I am running an 80TB setup utilizing a QNap TS-653D. It is a utilizing RAID 50. My house is CAT 6 wired and running Enterprise grade WiFi (Ruckus) There is definitely a little laggy when loading the "newer" games, but I mostly play 80s MAME arcade style games. I have also increased the memory to 32mb (this is an unsupported configuration) The NAS serves as a game server for LB, movie server utilizing TWonkey, and general file storage. This is all backed up/Sync'd to my Google Drive. The NAS can be accessed like any other cloud storage system. I would be interested in trying a higher end QNap running a VM over QVM with a USB hub and seeing if I could get LB running within it.
  14. Running MAME 265 with correct MAME Roms for this version. Latest LB. One of the games I enjoy playing is Mr. Do! Game has been playing without any issues. The other day I fired it up, pressed the coin button for a credit, pressed the player start button. Game starts but just as it starts allowing for input, it plays the ending music as if the level has completed and goes to lvl 2. This just repeats without allowing me to actually play. Funny to have completed 10 levels with a score of zero ...lol Anyways, anyone have an idea of why or what happened? This is not happening with any of the other games that I know of. I mostly play 45ish games which are all viewed in my favorites list.
  15. Since the update to beta4 I am not longer given the option to update MAME. I do see the option for Retroarch (I do not have any other emulators installed as of yet)
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