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Everything posted by zombiesruuun

  1. Just wanted to add another story here - I ran into this problem yesterday after dinput stopped working with my dual shock 4 controllers after a retroarch update, tried sdl2 as the controller driver and everything worked better than dinput ever had. Plus I had rumble! It was a great surprise after years of craving the authentic rumble Unfortunately like you guys my pad didn't work on bigbox/launchbox after 1 run of retroarch - which unfortunately made it unusable for me. I got dinput working again so am using that, but am definitely missing that rumble! Glad to have found this thread anyway as it seemed quite an obscure problem at the time. From what has been said here and on the bitbucket request it seems that sdl2 implementation on the launchbox end is the answer, so hopefully that can be done. And from (a small amount of) research it also seems like dinput and xinput both have their limitations, and that sdl2 is recommended for most modern standalone emulators these days. Anyway just wanted to share this, thanks everyone for the thread and hopefully bringing attention to the issue.
  2. Same problem here with dualshock 4 pad.
  3. Thanks for the update @RedSnake! It runs much quicker and smoother on my setup now, even with a vast array of media ticked on background priorities including box art! 😜 A request if you don't mind... If one day you could add the fabled Sega CD 32x to your theme I would be absolutely stoked! As only 6 games benefitted from using both addons together it's probably not at the top of your list, but some of us have it set as a separate platform in our collections. Totally respect if it's not worth the work for the few of us that may benefit! But come on - you know you want to make a little Night Trap model or two 😁👍! Looking forward to future updates and appreciate all your hard work.
  4. Similar problem using latest 12.1 version, but the error message relates to n64 instead of capcom play system. I have 2 cores set within the n64 platform - one set to default, and neither has command lines added. It first kicked up the duplicate command line error for n64 when I tried to change the default naomi core from flycast to reicast and clicked "OK". Having cancelled these changes it now shows the error message even when no settings are changed at all. Have tried deleting the n64 platform - this doesn't solve it as it just creates the same error for another platform.
  5. Superb, that was easier than anticipated. Just tried that and yep, that's fixed me. Didn't expect so much help, huge thanks for that. Oh right, yes rocket launcher must chuck another spanner into the works! Everyone seems to have different platform names so it must be a bit of a minefield! Can't help that Launchbox randomly misses out the manufacturer name at the front of some of the default platform names... But not all... Very odd. ? Anyway thanks again and like everyone else I look forward to your future updates! Cheers ??
  6. Thanks for the detailed info there and for providing the Philips Videopac file - it did fix the problem. As per your advice I checked the \Themes\DarkRoom\Images\Platforms\Fanart folder, and the NEC SuperGrafx, Panasonic 3DO and Bandai WonderSwan and Colour were indeed there. For some reason those platforms are named "PC Engine SuperGrafx", "3DO Interactive Multiplayer", "WonderSwan" and "WonderSwan Colour" on my build which is why they don't work. Think I'll either change my platform names, or have a play around with the .xaml file you provided to try to create some working new ones for my particular system names. Thanks again!
  7. The cabs look very nice, thanks for uploading the pics. Fair enough that you're only adding systems that you actually have or use. Regarding platform view art - you're not missing many - from my collection anyway! I would personally (and selfishly ) benefit from: Consoles: Panasonic 3DO, NEC SuperGrafx, Philips Videopac+, Neo Geo AES (console not arcade) and Sega CD 32x (only 5 or so games). Maybe you're already working on some of these. Handhelds for when you get around to them: Nintendo Game&Watch, Sony PSP Minis and Bandai Wonderswan and Wonderswan Colour. That computers one sounds like hard work! Most of them are so obscure too, must be tricky even finding good pics to reproduce them! Good luck with all of it especially the play, play, play part!
  8. Sounds great, the Namco one is really good so looking forward to seeing the generic mame. CRT-geom will be good to see too. Just another small thought regarding the platform view - are you looking to implement fanart backgrounds for all your LB platforms eventually? And how far down the queue of "things to do" that comes? Just thought as you only need one for each platform it may be be relatively quick for you to do compared to the game view - I may be wrong though!
    Great theme, shows fan art, flyers etc in its full glory. I haven't found another theme quite like it and it's now my default for all systems. Superb!
  9. Thanks for your quick reply! TL;DR version is... you fixed my problem! As per your advice I checked background priorities and... box art was at the top and after selecting backgrounds under image group in LB, all fanarts showed up for all the systems. I feel silly for making such a schoolboy error but thank you! Interesting that you haven't found many fanart backgrounds on LB. Although the fanarts you provided will obviously be a better size and fit for the theme, I've managed to scrape quite a few from the servers that do look rather good also, so maybe some more have been added recently? Advertisement flyers look great too, hell even standard boxart looks great with this theme, the overlapping features really make the image pop. Have checked around 7 different priorities in all for my setup. For me, it's the best theme on here and I can even live with 'under construction' platforms! But don't let that dissuade you from adding more please!!! Thanks again mate! Some pics below of an advertising flyer and emumovies fanart background.
  10. Love the theme! Thanks for your hard work. However I cannot get the fan art backgrounds to show on any system, it only shows box art. Running the newest version of LB/BB. All of my system names are standard so it should all match up so it's quite baffling! Would really appreciate any suggestions you could offer. Thanks!
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