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Everything posted by Joe35car

  1. https://blurbusters.com/crt-simulation-in-a-gpu-shader-looks-better-than-bfi/
  2. So this has been bother me for a while also. Not just this theme but others once in a while this section pulsates. Only way to fix it is if I adjust the size of the area either bigger or smaller. Anyone gets this? lol 2024-12-28 17-34-51.mkv
  3. That was my next move. Wanted a video of me playing GoldenTeeLive 2010.
  4. Works in other platforms but not Teknoparrot. Anyone have a fix for this when using in Launchbox?
  5. That's what I did. I just turned it off. It actually slows down my load time lol
  6. I noticed that Jungle Hunt is also not saving high scores for Launchbox
  7. So when I have my startup themes active I noticed that on at least one system (GameCube) you can hear the game in the background but it's not showing. Any work around to fix this? I will edit post if other systems are effected. UPDATE: It has to do with running Rocketlauncher and Dolphin emulator. Like to use this option for bezel support.
  8. Just want to say thank you JoeViking. Seems like every time I have a weird issue you are there to solve the problem. Many thanks and I am very appreciative.
  9. I'll check it out. At least I know what was causing LB to crash. Thanks again
  10. Only way it works is if I keep it unchecked the suspend emulation for it not to crash. But MAME will run in the background. Game doesn't pause. I would have to use my MAME pause key (F5) to pause the game first. Then use the LB pause key (P) to get in the Pause theme. At least it works on arcade and no software list games. Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too. Having the same pause key will not work. MAME will run in background. If I check suspend emulation then it will crash.
  11. Old thread but F3 and S worked for me.
  12. OK so after trial and errors I finally have it working on both sides. Arcade and and non software list. The problem was I have to have the Pause button be the same on MAME and LB. I also had to have it checked, unchecked in the pics below. If I had that suspend emulation checked it would crash. If I didn't it would work but MAME would still have the game running in background. That's why they needed to have the same pause key. Damit. MAME is still running in the background when I hit the Pause key in LB. If I check suspend emulation it crashes. So the option for me is pause MAME emulator first with its own Pause key and the use LB pause key button. To bad there isn't a way to have both use the same Pause key button. I can't check the suspend emulator or I'm back to square one.
  13. Show me where this topic is? lol Becasue it's driving me crazy. I even tried to create a new emulator and named it MAME Arcade. So I could use the different setup and still crashes. Checking/Un-checking "Remove quotes" and "Remove file extension.." has no effect on the Pause Screen. From what I understood, the only thing needed to be changed to get the Pause Screen(s) to work was to disable the Forceful Pause Screen Activation. It won't work if I have this unchecked. It's just too bad I'm not able to use this feature in LB. It very convenient to bring up everything at once. Manuals, High Scores, Achievements, etc..
  14. UPDATE: After further testing this option does not work. It breaks other console systems that I use the MAME emulator with. I need to have these boxes unchecked for the other systems to work. Any other options to get the Pause to work properly? Is there anything else that can be interfering with this?
  15. Got it working. Grabbed a complete homebrew set and works like a charm.
  16. OK so the game launches fine outside LB with official MAME exe. I imported the game file but it won't open when using LB and MAME as the default emulator. Click on the game and nothing happens.
  17. OK so I checked or unchecked the boxes in your screenshot. Only thing I had to change was check the forceful pause screen activation. I checked multiple pause themes and all work. Thanks PS This also solved the startup themes.
  18. I'll check my settings later. Just curious why your MAME pause key is P. Mame chamged that a year ago to F5 because it interfered with other systems.
  19. But it works once in a while. I don't want to change the LB theme.
  20. For some reason the pause feature is not working. It works like less then 10% of the time. I'm using the default Pause theme. Pause key is set to P. MAME default pause key is F5. When I hit the P button the theme shows but I can't choose anything and I have to force close LB. Then MAME is running in the background where I have to force close that using task manager. Debug 2024-12-23 04-11-44 AM.log
  21. So I have been messing around trying to get some high score using the LB. I noticed in the game Demolition Derby its not saving the scores to the high score leader board. I removed the Nvram and HI score file in MAME and still not working. Default game is demoderb.
  22. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Awesome. Plugin badges?
  23. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    I don't see the filter for game saves. Your theme supports this? Option to view only games that support this. I didn't see it in the drop down menu filter.
  24. Advanced Pico BEENA Monon Color Game Pocket Computer Plug n Play TV games Compact Vision TV Boy Coleco Handhelds (Looked like little cabinets) Misc handheld electronic games (Electronic football, Simon etc.) XML below Plug n_ Play TV Game.xml Handheld Electronic Games.xml
  25. Yes. I created my own handheld platform for games like Simon and electronic football. Added Monon Color, plug n play TV games as another category.
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