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Everything posted by Joe35car

  1. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Yes I love your LB theme. Only thing that could top it is if I could view the dats where the arrows are for high score, retroachievements etc. 😏👍
  2. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Lol. Thanks. Little competition between my friend for over 40 years (2nd place). Just had this screen shot to show you what I was talking about. With the arrows and how you can view different things. Thought the dats could be added there.
  3. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Speaking of dat files. This just came out today https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=399744&page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1
  4. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

  5. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Thanks. Yes I was referring to those plugin for the community highsxores and retriacheivents. When viewing games that support these on the launchbox themes it has the little arrows where you can click to next page and view those. Thought those dats could be in the same area.
  6. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Couldn't you make a plug-in the same way but with other dats?
  7. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Probably better coming from you lol
  8. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Yes I like those dats as well
  9. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    Well that stinks lol. I know I can launch a game using mame in launchbox and hit tab to view these. Just wish it was easier like how you can scroll through viewing high scores, retroachievements, etc
  10. old topic but seems like it stalled and never was implemented.
  11. Joe35car

    MAME Dat files

    So I was wondering how do I view these dat files in Launchbox? History and MAMeinfo in particular? As of now I have them in my MAME dat folder and when I use official MAME I can view them or MAMEUI or Arcade64. How can I view them in Launchbox? Do any themes support this? Would be a nice added feature like how you can view high scores and achievements.
  12. I deleted the plugins anything related to exo. That did the trick. So one more thing instead of starting another topic. Last thing I need to fix is the retroachievments. It's still showing mine. I disabled it in retroarch but still shows my retro score in launchbox. Update: I got rid of it.
  13. OK so I'm make a copy of my LB and stuff for a friend. He has his own LB license which shows his name. I'm not giving him an exact copy of my stuff because his drive is not as big. So I deleted systems and roms like exodos stuff. Now when I start his LB it shows this popup. I did what it says but still shows when launching LB. There has to be a file or config that is still hiding somewhere. Any help removing this would be great. Thanks
  14. $Esc:: Send !{F4} Process,Close,DuckStation Run,taskkill WinTitle /im "duckstation-qt-x64-ReleaseLTCG.exe" /F That did the trick. Thanks again
  15. I would prefer to keep PS1 at original 4:3 ratio with bezels. Anyone have an idea about the script? This is pretty much the last loose end I'm looking to fix. Like to get this issue resolved. Trying to make a copy for my friend for over 40 years for a Xmas gift. Thanks
  16. OK so I'm almost positive this was working before. Now when I try to close the game it stays open. I am using this script: $ESC:: { WinClose, ahk_exe RocketLauncher.exe } Other systems that use Rocketlauncher close fine. It also closes outside of LB in rocketlauncher. I'm using RL for bezel support because the RA cores are terrible. I'm using the duckstation emulator through RL.
  17. Hide mouse cursor when not in use is checked. I'll have to get back to you and find out what system was showing the mouse. Thank
  18. I couldn't find this option in bigbox.
  19. Yes it takes about 30 seconds for Daphne to eventually close outside of Launchbox. Has nothing to do with this front-end.
  20. That did the trick. Just a few more questions but not related to this topic. Just trying to fix a few loose ends. It's about hiding the mouse pointer when not active and my Daphne freezes when I try to exit game (esc). update: So when I esc from daphne the screen freezes and you can hear the audio and then it eventually closes. Takes like 30 seconds. I don't remember it doing this in the past. as for hiding the mouse pointer I just used a 3rd party software.
  21. Well I got it working. I think it was the whole time. It threw me off when I didn't see some games in the playlist. What happens is when you save games as favorites it removes the games from the play list alphabetical order and places them in favorites. I wish they would just leave them in the play list like LB does instead of bunching them in a group. Should still stay in the alphabetical list and also be in the favs section.
  22. Thanks for the reply. Working now I'll check and get back to you. Top of my head there should be 7 1941 to 19xx. Something like that. Launchbox shows 7 and bigbox 5.
  23. OK I have seen and read about this issue in the past on the forum here. I made sure my global and even settings for that specified theme had the check marks show hidden games but still doesn't show.
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