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Everything posted by Joe35car

  1. Yes but as we can see it's not importing the preliminary games for mame which are marked working in official MAME.
  2. That's what I've been doing but it's a long process going alphabetical order. How about adding a preliminary check box when importing? I mean there's an option for hacked games.
  3. Could we add a check box to import preliminary games in future launchbox builds?
  4. Well I use mame exe but say using arcade64 it's marked yellow. Not sure about mameui.
  5. Thanks I'm just trying to wrap my head around this and importing process lol. Yes I use the full mame import tool when I upgrade my MAME to the newest versions.
  6. Launcbox didn't import these roms either when choosing USA region kov and kovplus. Both are parent roms and marked working. Because of being preliminary? How about change the way it imports. It's either marked working or not. Not in between. Just how MAME does it.
  7. So my question is why do other games marked preliminary get imported? Who decides this MAME or the Launcbox database?
  8. Another example: Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road . Has two different parent roms but merges them together. offroad and offroadt are merged but are parent roms.
  9. OK just came across a game not imported with same name. Inferno minferno and inferno. The inferno was not imported and is marked with with issues but playable. It should be imported like other games marked the same way. Think I had it reversed but either way only one is imported. I had to fool LB when importing minferno choosing another emulator besides MAME or it doesn't import. Then go back and change it back to MAME.
  10. Seems like choosing world as region leans more towards MAME parent roms.
  11. I keep skip games unplayable checked. both black hole games work (blackhol). This is marked with issues but payable. Many games are marked like this and still get imported. Also what about other question when I import by region USA and go back to some games and change the rom to launch. When I update MAME and import again do I have to manually change these games again if not using the USA roms? Or will it keep my settings for those roms? Example if imported under USA region. Game like B rap boys will make the USA version (brapboyspu) by default. If I change it to (brapboys) as default and update MAME and import again will it remember to keep that setting?
  12. D-day ddayjlc and dday Off the wall has two different games. Would scrape games incorrectly. Had to go back and pick the correct one from drop down menu when importing artwork. Cannon ball has 2 different games. Had to fix correct artwork in drop menu metadata Commando has 2 different games. Had to fix correct artwork in drop menu metadata Argus 2 different games. Same as above with artwork. Tetris didn't import all. It would combine some as clones. Black Hole has 2 different games. I believe only one was imported Freeze has 2 different games. Same as above with artwork There is more but you get the idea. I can't recall games that were not imported. Was just a couple.
  13. Oh one more thing. Since launchbox doesn't use the parent import but goes by region. I do USA. Now sometimes I go back and change certain games back to the parent. When I update mame again and choose USA import will it change the ones back that I did before?
  14. Not home now but some games have the same name and are completely different. Parent roms. Sometimes it will merge thinking it's a clone or not even import it. Also some don't even imported at all. I'll try and give a example later. As for importing I only uncheck prototype adult and a few others. Shouldn't block the specific games that were not imported. . Off topic but launchbox still imports gambling games like slots even though that is checked.
  15. So just curious why does launchbox skip some roms when importing? Does it have to do with not being in the database?
  16. That did the trick. Thanks again
  17. None taken. I know you were trying to help. Thanks
  18. Thanks. I'll check again but don't recall that name. I do have a back up on another drive and can compare the differences to search for the 2 xmls. Thank again. You might be correct. Was looking for Mario or sonic or Olympic lol. Sega never crossed my mind.
  19. I think the - - profile =game.xml is wormg. Anyone know the correct xml game profile name?
  20. game works outside LB. I have the complete set for teknoparrot and have all the games in Launchbox working except these two. Yes I setup both exe. The game works outside LB. When I import these two games it just opens teknoparrot. Not the game. There are other games that use 2 exe. Scarlet HOTD. I was able to get that working in LB. The video is good for newbies. I know how to import tp to lb. For some reason these two don't launch the game Just opens up teknoparrot.
  21. OK so I have all my Teknoparrot games working in Launchbox except for the two Mario and Sonic Olympic games. When I try to launch the games in LB it just opens teknoparrot. These are the only two giving me a problem. Any help would be great. Thanks
  22. Joe35car

    Carnival King

    Press F2 to enter SERVICE mode and select 'CALIBRATE GUN' with the VOLUME DOWN key '-'. Hit F2 to calibrate and to finish process hit F2 again.
  23. Joe35car

    Carnival King

    Sounds like you need to calibrate the game. It's flashing when you hit the button but it's not aiming where you are pointing.
  24. Joe35car

    Carnival King

    Does the game open up? Does it work outside launchbox. I'm using windows 11 most recent updates and it works. Follow the directions above on how to configure your inputs. Then start the game and calibrate your gun/mouse like I mentioned above.
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